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causes:blacksmithing [2019/09/04 21:15]
causes:blacksmithing [2022/06/20 21:56] (current)
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 ====== Blacksmithing and Casting Cause ====== ====== Blacksmithing and Casting Cause ======
-Cause Leader: Alan Webb 
-The main purpose of the blacksmithing area is to provide a self maintained and intuitive area to practise the arts of blacksmithing,​ metal forging and sand casting. 
-When finished using the cause area, members must: 
-  - Ensure that all tools/​equipment is put away in their designated areas after use. 
-  - The casting furnace is covered to protect it from rain. 
-  - Clean up any mess caused by work 
-  - Gas cylinders are removed and locked in cage 
-  - donations for fuel/​consumables use left in donations tin/ through spacebucks 
-Weekly tasks will include: 
-  - Sweeping the floor 
-  - emptying bins (steel recycling/​aluminium recycling/​rubbish) 
-Monthly tasks: 
-  - stocktake of fuel 
-  - stocktake of tools 
-  - identification of improvement areas 
-Meetings will  be announced with 7 days notice, and will happen on Tuesdays. 
-Inductions can be held by any member who has been inducted on the relevant equipment, in line with the cause operating policy. 
 +This page has moved to the [[teams:​blacksmithing|Blacksmithing & Casting Teams]] page.
  • causes/blacksmithing.1567595745
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)