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Blacksmithing and Casting Cause

Cause Leader: Alan Webb

The main purpose of the blacksmithing area is to provide a self maintained and intuitive area to practise the arts of blacksmithing, metal forging and sand casting.

When finished using the cause area, members must:

  1. Ensure that all tools/equipment is put away in their designated areas after use.
  2. The casting furnace is covered to protect it from rain.
  3. Clean up any mess caused by work
  4. Gas cylinders are removed and locked in cage
  5. donations for fuel/consumables use left in donations tin/ through spacebucks

Weekly tasks will include:

  1. Sweeping the floor
  2. emptying bins (steel recycling/aluminium recycling/rubbish)

Monthly tasks:

  1. stocktake of fuel
  2. stocktake of tools
  3. identification of improvement areas

Meetings will be announced with 7 days notice, and will happen on Tuesdays.

Inductions can be held by any member who has been inducted on the relevant equipment, in line with the cause operating policy.

  • causes/blacksmithing.1567595745
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)