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tools:digitalfabrication:3dprinters:upmini [2020/09/27 14:42]
hsbnewiki Update template
— (current)
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-<WRAP column third> 
-<WRAP column twothirds>​ 
-====== ​ Up Mini V1 ====== 
-| Aliases | Up Mini  | 
-| Other References |<​WRAP> ​ 
-//​[[https://​snipe.hsbne.org/​|Asset Register]]//​ 
-//​[[https://​xero.com/​|Xero Asset]]// 
-[[https://​forum.hsbne.org/​search?​q=up%20mini|Forum Posts]] 
-| Official Maintainer | Brendan Halliday | 
-<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
-===== Current Status ===== 
-<WRAP safety half round> 
-=== Working === 
-Machine is working as expected. 
-===== Usage ===== 
-<WRAP half  round info > 
-**This machine is <wrap hi>​generally available</​wrap>​ to use.** 
-==== Guidelines ==== 
-[[:​howto:​upmini|How to use the UP Mini]] 
-==== Recommended PPE ==== 
-<WRAP column half> 
-| Required | {{:​resources:​ppe-wearenclosedshoes.gif?​nolink&​200|}} | Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc | 
-<WRAP column half> 
-| Required | {{:​resources:​ppe-wearhandprotection.gif?​nolink&​200|}} | These absolutely must be used while removing prints from the printer bed. | 
-<WRAP clearall></​WRAP>​ 
-===== Machine Specifications ===== 
-^ Name  ^ Value  ^ 
-| Printing Area  | 100x100x100mm ​ | 
-===== Documents ===== 
-<WRAP center round download third left> 
-{{ :​tools:​digitalfabrication:​upmini.pdf | Manual }} 
-<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
-===== Manufacturer ===== 
-=== Manufacturer === 
-  * Tiertime 
-=== Reseller === 
-  * 3dprintergear 
-  * 3dprintsuperstore 
-=== Known Identical Models === 
-===== Known Issues ===== 
-^ Date ^ Description ^ Workaround ^ Proposed Remediation |  
-===== Modifications / Repair History ===== 
-^ Date ^ Modified By ^ Description ^ Remediation ^ Cost ^ 
-===== Accessories ===== 
-^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^ 
-| PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width | PLACEHOLDER Maintenance tool | **PLACEHOLDER Accessory Name** \\ PLACEHOLDER Description and usage notes for accessory | PLACEHOLDER Describe location of accessory | PLACEHOLDER Link to where it was bought from | 
-===== Consumables & Running Costs ===== 
-^ Image ^ Category ^ Accessory Name & Notes ^ Location ^ Buy from ^ 
-| PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width | Filament | **Zortrax ABS Filament** \\ Zortrax or UP! Branded ABS Filament | Behind the Up Mini | https://​www.3dprintergear.com.au/​zortrax-black-z-abs-v2-0.8kg | 
-===== Maintenance ===== 
-^ Interval ^ Task ^ 
-| Monthly | Filament extrusion - to ensure nozzle is clean. | 
-| Monthly | Bed clean - Scrape the beds clean | 
-===== RACI ===== 
-<WRAP column third> 
-<WRAP column twothirds>​ 
-^ Task / Action ^ Executive ^ Cause Leader \\ Cause Team ^ Named Maintainer ^ Trainers ^ Cause ^ Membership ^ Implementer ^ 
-| Modification and Repairs | - | AC | C | I | I | I | R | 
-| Induction changes ​       | C | RACI | RC | I | I | I | R | 
-<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
-===== Risk Matrix and Mitigation ===== 
-PLACEHOLDER:​ Risk assessment is important to ensure we are making tools available to members in a responsible fashion. Please make every effort to do a reasonable risk assessment. If there is a safety incident with the tool, please redo a risk assessment and add it to the table. 
-<WRAP column third> 
-<WRAP column twothirds>​ 
-^ Ref / ID ^ Pre-Mitigation |||^ Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies ^ Post Mitigation |||^ 
-^ ::: ^ Risk ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ ::: ^ Risk Severity ^ Risk Likelyhood ^ Risk Level ^ Acceptable to Proceed ^ 
-| 0001 | PLACEHOLDER DEATH | Intolerable | Probable | 11 | PLACEHOLDER Induction to train users in correct usage | Low | Improbable | 1 | 
-<WRAP clear></​WRAP>​ 
-===== Decision Register ===== 
-^ Ref / ID ^ Decision Details ^ Impact ^ Proposed Date ^ Proposed By ^ Status ^ Approved By ^ Date ^ Resulting Actions and Comments ^ 
  • tools/digitalfabrication/3dprinters/upmini.1601181750
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by hsbnewiki