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Digital Fabrication Cause

Also known as the Digifab Cause, this cause's goals are to provide, maintain, and run classes for equipment in the principles of digital fabrication and related fabrication services. Digifab currently operates out of the room on the left at the end of the Green Room. The room is accessed via Swipe card for extra security & registering usage patterns etc. The hope is that in the future the door can be temporarily disabled to only open for certain approved members when certain dangerous actions are taking place inside the room (eg calibrating the laser cutter, which requires temporarily disabling the machine's safety features so it can be operated with the lid open and the raw beam accessible, so everyone in the room should be wearing safety goggles).

Because many of the pieces of equipment in this room are sensitive or delicate in their operation, this room tries to operate as a “cleaner” environment than the rest of the space, which is often a bit too dusty for Digifab's equipment. Digifab members therefore regularly vacuum the carpet, wipe down the benches, and try to keep all surfaces clear of clutter. And as always, anyone who uses the equipment in this room is requested to leave the equipment cleaner than you found it.

Cause Leader: Aaron Bycroft, aka “Crofty”

Current member list:

  • Aaron Bycroft
  • Brendan Halliday
  • Blair Calderara
  • Daniel Zimmer
  • Jason Beattie
  • David Bussenschutt
  • Sven Tiede
  • David Thomson
  • Mike Ando
  • Large Format Printer
  • CAD modelling computer
  • Filastruder, a 3D printer filament extruder & recycler
  • Right CR-10
  • Left CR-10
  • Fix Large format printer
  • Finish upgrades to Red Laser Cutter
  • How to Vector
  • How to 3D Model
  • How to 3D Print
  • How to Filastrude
  • causes/digitalfabrication.1532001168
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)