Run a Membership Induction

This page is intended as a high level overview of what members need to know about the club, safety and our culture from the Induction process.

These are the dot points

  • Understands how to use the fire facilities
  • Is aware of the first aid facilities
  • Knows how to safely evacuate the campus in an emergency
  • Aware of the HSBNE induction process for equipment, as well as general safety
  • Understands the Ticket system
  • Check that the member has been invited to all HSBNE communications systems.
  • Knows where to find the most up-to-date information on HSBNE.
  • Understands what it means to be a member of HSBNE


It is best that the whole induction is completed in one go.

Please note that you require a score better than 95% in the quizzes to successfully pass. If you have any issues please let us know on discord.

Welcome to HSBNE. You should have been given tour of the club and you will now have an access card. With this card, you can sign up to our portal and start your membership. You'll need to do this General Induction, which is a series of short videos with comprehension quizzes. Once you've paid, your membership will be enabled. We're looking forward to seeing you and let's get to making things!


  • Our Wi-Fi which is called HSBNE Wi-Fi, the password is HSBNEPortHack, capitals for HSBNE, P and H.
  • is where you have access to manage your member's account. So, everything from checking things on the web-cameras to keeping your details up to date.
  • is where you will find induction information.

Accessing the site

First port of call is going to be your membership card. You should have gotten this when you were on tour. Your membership card allows you to do a range of things, first, it opens most of the doors around the space.

Now, to use any of the interlocked tools, you will need to sign on to the kiosk first. This is how we're tracking site attendance for fire safety. The last important thing about your membership card is that you must NEVER swipe for anybody else. I'm talking about other members, members of the public, your guests. The reason why is because that card is your registration, your name, your responsibility, for that machine or for that access.

Our co-tennant

Our areas are the workshop floor up the the second pillar. The room at the front downstairs and the room at the front up upstairs. The shared area is the kitchen / bathroom at the back of the workshop floor. All other areas and tools within those areas are off limits.

Leaving the site

Because as a member you get 24/7 access, it's really important to understand that you have an important obligations around making sure the site is secure and locked up when you leave. Close the garage door using the chain next to fire extinguisher. Exit via the front door and ensure it is secure.

Backstory and Exec

HSBNE was created in a pub in 2009, and we've been in the Hamilton site from 2012 to 2023 before moving to Sumner. You need to keep in mind that when we moved into the Sumner site, everything was empty, so everything you see there has been conceived, created and maintained by members.

The next thing that you need to know, is that we have a volunteer Executive Team, that keep things running. They consist of the President, the president gives up leadership, they give vision, they liaise with our third parties and with the landlord. The Treasurer is responsible for the money and our accounts. We have a Secretary, who is responsible for legal paperwork and documentation. Each area has it's own team, that's kind of responsible for the machines, and the consumables that you'll find in that area.

Members Rights

You need to know your rights as a member, so we're going to go through them now!

  • You have the right to access the HSBNE.
  • You can post on the Forums, so that means either making suggestions or posting agenda items in either the General Meetings, or the team meetings.
  • You can vote on those items in the General Meetings, or in the Team Meetings, this is generally how we work out what we're going to purchase, or what rules we're going to change.
  • You can review our meeting minutes on the Wiki, for General Meetings, and on the Forum for Team Meetings.
  • You have the right to use the hand tools that you'll find around the club.
  • You can raise concerns, problems or make suggestions to the Exec Team.
  • And the last thing you have the right to do, is get involved with any team, that's working to improve the space!


We have a number of policies, that cover all sorts of things, and lets get started.

The first thing to talk about is our Group Rules, which are our legal document that governs how we run as an incorporated association. this includes things like how we run meetings, what are the executive positions, what are legal obligations, what your legal obligations are as member, those sorts of things. The next policy that we have, is our Covid-19 Policy, which is our rules and how we operate during the Covid-19 pandemic, which you should familiarize yourself with, so you can be safe while you're onsite.

We have the very fun named Policy Policy, which our policy about how to write new policy. We wrote this because it was getting very confusing when people submitted new policy, and so this lets the process become very clear.

We have a Code of Conduct, as a member, which you're expected to adhere to, we advise very strongly that you read it, and become very familiar with it. The code of conduct is very important for you to adhere to you as a member, so we can all get along, and be respectful one another while onsite.

We have a Safe Space policy, which is our LGBT+ inclusion policy, and it basically lays out how we want to include everyone from all walks of life into our community here at HSBNE.

We have a policy that is around General Membership and Payments, this is a clarification document that's a little bit easier to read than our rules, that lays out we accept new members, how we accept payments, those sorts of things.

We have a Safety Policy at HSBNE policy, which lays out your obligations to be safe on site, as well as how you can help others be safe onsite.

There is a Site Modification and Electrical Work Policy, which lays out what our expectations are for you when performing any kind of electrical works onsite, the important point to note, is that we cannot allow you to do any kind of operation on works above 48 volts. We have a dings and bans policy, which Emily will have discussed with you already.

The next one, is our Storage Policy at HSBNE policy, this includes all the information about how our ticketing system works, which Emily has gone through with you.

The next one is our Large Projects at HSBNE policy, this is where we talk about projects that are so big that they don't fit in our workshops anymore, and they need outside storage. This an involved process, it can take up to three months, it involves consulting with our landlord, and a number of large steps. we advise that if you have a big project that you must follow all the steps very clearly, as not to be disappointed.

HSBNE is divided up into separate areas, and we call those areas Teams, Teams are run by a Team leader and a team, we encourage you to get involved with the ones that interest you, there's a Teams at HSBNE policy, which goes through how Teams are meant to operate.

Sometimes you want to bring a friend onsite, maybe it's your children or your spouse, and you want to help them work on a project. We have our Guests Policy at HSBNE policy, which outlines very clearly our expectations of what you can and cannot do with your guests onsite. Very simply, if you're helping them work on something and you're directly supervising with them, and they're working non-induction required tool, that's fine. You are only allowed to operate the tools you're induced on, they can't. And you can't leave them to their own devices at any point. You can't go work on your project, while they work on theirs in a separate part of the space.

We have a policy for Chemicals onsite at HSBNE. In short, if you bring a chemical onsite, you're expected to take that chemical back offsite when you leave. If you do leave anything onsite, for reasons, like provide something for a work area to utilize, you are required to add it to our MSDS register, and you're required to have a disposal method or plan.


Another serious thing that we need to talk about, is bans. bans are for site access only, you can still talk with us online or discuss your ideas, you just won't be allowed to come onsite. we have the schedule for bans on the portal, and we highly recommend that you have a look through and read what we have on the schedule. It's not an exhaustive list, but please don't be the reason that we have to add anything new to that list! Bans are decided and executed by the exec, usually by deactivating your card, and then once your ban period is finished, reactivating your card. I'm going to use an example, of a ban that we've done in the past, a member was working on a glass project in the middle of the Quad, they not only left glass shards throughout the quad but they managed to get glass pieces on another member's project, and this ended up incurring a two-week ban.


Your Safety. You're responsible for your own safety while you're at HSBNE, but keeping in mind, you do need to be considerate of other people's safety as well. The example that I like to use here, is we once a member who was doing some fiber glassing on his boat. He was wearing full PPE, glasses, respirator, bunny suit, the works. 10 out of 10 for his own PPE. He then proceeded to walk into the Green room, sit down wearing all of his PPE, and eat his lunch, getting fiberglass shards all over the Green room. Minus a thousand points for considering others.

So, we do have a range of free PPE available: glasses, face shields, ear buds, and gloves. Of course it's better to bring your own, if you're planning to work with any sorts of chemicals, resins, oils, anything kind of paints, and you're not sure whether a risk is acceptable or not, you can always jump on Discord, chat with your Team Leader, member of the Exec, or just ask a general question, and people will get back to you about whether it's acceptable.

We will now take some time, to go over where all our of safety equipment is at the HSBNE site.

So we have this map of the site and we've marked out where all the safety equipment is. But we're going to start in the top left, where you'll find a cross. This is our evacuation point. Best thing to do is with evacuation is first, get out of the building, second, call triple 000, then if you have time, you can call security. We also recommend checking the portal on your phone, so you can see how many people are registered onsite, and do a quick headcount.

Please never go back into a burning building, for yourself, or for anyone else. Please stay safe.

Getting to actual equipment, if you look at the main building, you'll notice that we have two pink triangles. Those are fire hoses, they not for washing cars, or boasts, or anything else, they are only to be used in emergency, if you do have to use them, please notify the exec, so we can get them checked and reset.

The next thing to note, is the orange circles, these denote where we keep our fire extinguishers. Fire extinguishers are to type, so for example the one next to the electronics bench, is for electronic fires, the one the Woodshop is of course for wood fires, the one in the Metalshop is for grease and oil fires.

You'll also notice that we have some fire safety blankets, so the main ones for those are Electronics, Digifab, Metalshop, and Woodshop.

We have First Aid kits, stock throughout the space, the main one is in the kitchen, Metalshop and Woodshop also have their own.

And the last thing that we need to mention is our automatic defibrillator, which is also kept in it's own cabinet in the kitchen.

If you do have an incident on site it is vital that you report it to the Exec, preferably with details in an email. That way we can full fill our reporting obligations, and make sure we can take any appropriate action to make the place safe


So for the next aspect of our safety system, I'm going to be talking about our interlocks, which were developed by the Electronics cause, and these serve several functions. First, only inducted members can swipe in and activate the tool, this means we can track who was the last person to use the tool, it also tracks how many hours the tool has been in service, so this will allow us to anticipate some of our maintenance and consumable needs. Some of the tools don't have induction requirements, but still have interlocks for those tracking purposes.

Machine Inductions

So during interlocks, I also mentioned inductions. Now inductions need to be done regardless of prior experience. we always assume a new user has no knowledge of a new machine. the other thing you need to know about inductions is that the process can vary, as causes have been allowed to set their own induction processes, so some of them are ad hoc, some of them are organised through Eventbrite, and some them, like this one, have been developed into video inductions.

Some of our tools require that you be inducted before you use it for the first time, this is so we can make sure that you're using the machinery in a safe manner. There may be a cost involved, as you'd need to use some material to prove that you can se the machine correctly. Lastly, cause leaders are responsible for signing you off on your safety induction, but they can also nominated supervisors or other members of causes, to go through that paperwork with you.


Our website,, it's very permanent, we rarely change it, and it's for all the really official, really important things like the group rules, and policies, and that kind of thing.

The wiki,, the wiki is where we document Teams, tools, and our meeting notes, the wiki is where you'll find how to do things, you'll be able to go find a tool, figure out how to get inducted on it, what special notes are around it, and that kind of thing.

Discord's a chat application, and it's very fast-paced, it's full of memes and jokes and you know, people asking for help and that sort of thing. If you have a query, Discord the very fastest place it get it answered, people might respond within seconds or minutes. But it's totally impermanent, you wait twenty minutes, and it'll all scroll by, never to be seen again.


So, that covers all the important aspects for you to get started being a member of our community at HSBNE. Remember, if you do have any questions, or need pointers to get into the right direction, you can always come on our Discord, post on the Forums, or email the executive.

That's the end of the online course. Note that you MUST achieve a score of 95% or greater to have completed the course and complete the membership registration.

Please check your final grade and re-do any questions until you have a pass grade.

  • howto/membershipinductions
  • Last modified: 2 months ago
  • by zacmarcus