2010-08-10 Constitution changes, tool purchases, fluoro lights
Open 19:40
Close 20:55
Author Unknown
Signed Unsigned
Tally 9
No Agenda Available
Members present
- Lawrence Dixon
- Joel Byrnes
- Clinton Roy
- Andrew Hamilton
- David Bussenschut
- Doug Miller
- Luke Preston
- James Churchill
- Matthew Costa
Issues voted on.
- Constitution Changes as made by Lawrence Dixon on 04/08/10: Passed unanimously.
- Tool purchases as made by Lawrence Dixon: Passed Unanimously
- Fluoro Lights as purchased by Lawrence Dixon: Passed unanimously
Meeting closed temporarily due to flooding at :20:00
Meeting reopened at :20:30
- Voted for $75 per month cost of public liability to be paid retroactively and recurring to City Studios: Passed Unanimously
- Discussed ongoing rental costs. Agreed to small increase in all inclusive for current space, or current amount plus ongoing costs.
- meetings/general/2010/20100810
- Last modified: 5 years ago
- (external edit)