Open 19:30
Close 19:50
Author Unknown
Signed Unsigned
Tally Unknown

  • Do we go ahead with steel cables for lights and overhead power?
  • $100 budget that was originally budgeted for power boards, should we use it to get more power points.
  • Lemming wants to build a BIG capacitor bank. $200 budget. This will be useful for lots of different things.
  • Should we pay for some of the premium features available on Google apps (video for instance)
  • Is it worth redoing our budget to see if we can afford better premises?

Members Present

Member names not taken


  • we are not concerned to replace the nylon cable with steel at this time as buzz was already compensated and our tenancy is unsure
  • we do not need to spend more money for power points as they have been sourced for free
  • nobody else cares much about a capacitor bank without a purpose in mind
  • we don't need to pay for google video features when we get much the same thing already for free. However we could set up an account for HSBNE videos instead of lemming's account.
  • at the moment with 15-16 paying members we could afford a better premises.
Additional Agenda Items
  • drill press: look into prices
  • files are going to be deleted from google groups so we need to more rapidly move our stuff over to
  • Julia presented a nice HSBNE sign to the group as thanks, this will be hung outside and possibly blinged up
  • meetings/general/2010/20101005
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)