2014-02-11 Removing President Discretionary, Cleaning Budget, Waste Removel Budget.
date: time: open: “20:06” close: “20:40” members:
Open 20:06
Close 20:40
Author David Bussenschut
Signed Sidney Watters
Tally 22
- Sidney Watters
- Hayden Petrick
- Timeka Beecham
- James Beecham
- Sarah-Jane Proud
- Robert Scott
- Brendan Halliday
- Daniel Tullemans
- Jimmy Bowler
- David Douglas
- Drew Triebe
- David Bussenschutt
- Ben Cooper
- Michael Anderson
- Sebastian Petrik
- Colin Warland
- Hamish McGregor
- James Churchill
- Tim Owen
- Timothy Reichle
- Joshua Hogendorn
- Luke Hovington
No Agenda Available
Visitors Present
- Sven Hanzka
- Louis Van Dyke
- Anthony George
- Russell Moffat
- Darryn Arult
- Desmond Collett
- Victor Vicono
- Sam Fraser
Lochlainn asked how many people were up to date on the mailing list. Approximately 10 people said they were “up to date on the mailing list”.
- Removing discretionary spend Lochlainn introduced the removal ofdiscretionary spending. Joshua re-described it for those not up on the list. Should we vote to create new sub-budgets such as “cleaning”, “maintenaince”? Discussion noted that “cleaning” does not necessarily exclude the discretionary, can we have both? It’s “quick”, and uncomplicated, and immediate, with just one phone call. Vote called, Who is in favour of disbanding the President discretionary? 2 in favour, 15 against. Vote called, Who is in favour of a “cleaning supplies and consumables” budget at $60/month. Builds up over time. ( works out at roughly 3% of current balance ). 19 in favour, none against. Vote called, Maintenaince budget ( mowing, fuel, blades, etc ) ; $90/mo proposed. 15 in favour, 2 against. Vote called, Waste disposal budget: ( veolia bin removal/s, skips, tip runs ) . $70/mo propsed. 21 in favour. none agianst. note that we want to try to spend ½ of that.
- Server/s and switches, drop the item. Item not seconded so no need to spend.
3.Trestle tables. 8 for approx $300. note that these tables may “mark” easily, so no soldering irons, tools, screwdrivers. Vote called to buy trestle tables 21 in favour, none against.
Disaster / future plan:
Lochlainn talked about having to move in the future, as our lease ends in 2018. We also need a “rainy day fund”.
Proposal is 10 or 15% to support future movements, and similar. 10% for moving in the future, and also 5% for “disaster relief”, such as breakins and theft.
Vote called to postpone pending report from treasurer to assist intelligent position. 19 in favour of postpone, 2 against.
Bin lids. Removed from agenda, will use discretionary.
Vote called for $174 to buy folding chairs for classroom. ( as per email on list). ( suggestion was that maybe stacking might be better?, not generally supported). 17 in favour, 2 against. A motion for restricting meetings to fortnightly or monthly.
Those in favour of restricting the number of meetings to at most 2 per month:
5 in favour. Those in favour of regimented fortnightly meetings. 10 in favour 8 against.
Discussion on the “hackerspace achievement system“. eg “blue smoke badge”, “dumster diver badge” - like “adafruit skills badges”. - please discuss it more onlist, seems to have some traction.
- meetings/general/2014/20140211
- Last modified: 5 years ago
- (external edit)