2016-06-28 Beer, Bees and Bins
Open 20:00
Close 20:25
Author Dave Seff
Signed Steph Piper
Tally 28
- Dave Seff
- Steph Piper
- Aaron Bycroft
- Brendan Halliday
- Jim Borman
- Alex Wixted
- Megs Drinkwater
- Timothy Reichie
- Dan Zimmer
- Niklas Casaril
- Matthew Gundry
- Matt Botting
- Eris Ryan
- James Chruchill
- David Bussenschitt
- Josh Hogendorn
- Beau
- Adam Blake
- Alan Blake
- Sven Honzka
- Meka Beecham
- Blair Calderara
- Clinton Kerrison
- Lysa Singh
- Phil Gowenlock
- Guy Reese
- Alexander Uhde
- David Thompson
- Makers and Beer night
- Saturday Open Day and Documentation Working Bee
- New communal bins
- Microwave dish sale
- Cause events and selection form
Meeting Notes
Three guest speakers for the Makers and Beer night. Working bee is during the open saturday. Wiki page templates will be posted soon. Communal Bins will be arriving within 2 weeks and will be located next to the gate. Sale of microwave dishes. Dibs to be given on the forum. Cause leaders need to send Event plans into Execs to get proper funding. Causes can now be updated via the porthack portal ( porthack.hsbne.org ) Drinks machine price increase. $1 cans will be $2 and $2 will be $3. Substation33 meeting Mark has a Horticulture learning signup in the green room. Member price $5 - Non member: $10 Proposed move (expansion) of the electronics area. Discussion on forum to ba had.
- Cause changes
- Swift internet repair Jason:
- Fixing the dropsaw Buzz:
- Bandsaw repair
- Lathe refit Beau:
- Various cameras
- Donation box
- meetings/general/2016/20160628
- Last modified: 5 years ago
- (external edit)