2016-08-09 Govhack Wrapup, Welding Helmets, Substation Visit, ALVR update, Brisbane Festival Volunteers
date: time: open: “20:16” close: “20:32” members:
Open 20:16
Close 20:32
Author Brendan Halliday
Signed Stephanie Piper
Tally 24
- Steph Piper
- Alex Wixted
- Brendan Halliday
- Jaimyn Mayer
- Aaron Bycroft
- Phil Gowenlock
- Sven Hanzka
- Karl Richardson
- Serena Dorf
- Ross Bopf
- Matt Woodward
- Luke Hovington
- Adam Blake
- Timothy Reichie
- Clinton Kerrison
- James Churchill
- Rosa Tong
- Megs Drinkwater
- Guy Reece
- Fiona Findlay
- Meka Beecham
- Beau Sandford
- Joshua Hogendorn
- Mike Ando
- GovHack wrap up
- Purchase proposal: Welding helmets x44 for ongoing welding classes, totalling $199.82
- Substation visit on Saturday August 13th6
- HSBNE Autonomous Land Vehicle Race (ALVR)
- Brisbane festival volunteers
Meeting Notes
GovHack Wrap Up - Govhack went really well, we had 7 entries. Thanks to everyone who helped and participated.
Welding Helmets for Welding Classes $200 - None against. 5 Abstain. Quorum not met, item did not pass.
Substation Visit - Open day at Substation 33 on the weekend.
Autonomous Land Vehicle Race - To be held next year. Organisers meeting in the classroom after this meeting.
Brisbane Festival - The organisers want us to do workshops, 3 Sessions of 1 hour each. Looking for Volunteers to help.
- meetings/general/2016/20160809
- Last modified: 4 years ago
- (external edit)