2016-10-04 Quorum Change, Tig Pedal, Vacuformer ABS, Printer Toner
Open 20:10
Close 20:30
Author Dave Seff
Signed Stephanie Piper
Tally 29
- Dave Seff
- Aaron Bycroft
- Brendan Halliday
- Alex Wixted
- Guy Reece
- Rosa Tong
- Adam Blake
- Sven Hanzka
- James Churchill
- Josh Hogendorn
- Timothy Reichie
- Michael King
- Anna Garber
- Will Stobo
- Ali Kint
- Meka Beecham
- Fiona Findlay
- Serena Dorf
- Colby Davidson
- Tyrone Keetch
- Phil Gowenlock
- Benoit Maitine
- Ross Bopf
- David Bussenschitt
- Niklas Casaril
- Lysa Singh
- Mike Ando
- Eris Ryan
- Andrew Irvine
- Quorum Rule change
Proposal that Quorum is defined as 25% of the mean number of members who have attended the last four meetings, plus the number of executive multiplied by two. If membership falls beneath this threshold (mathematically defined as 14 people) quorum is 50% of total membership and votes require a simple majority of total membership.
- Shared working spaces and cleanliness
- Purchase Proposal: Tig Pedal for $205.81
- Purchase Proposal: Black toner for large laser printer for $150.
- Purchase Proposal: 2mm ABS sheets for Vacuformer for $170
Meeting Notes
- treasury report: 33K bank 5K Petty cash
- We have hot water!
- Clean up after yourselves again.
- Donations need to use the online form.
- Supanova - What can HSBNE do for supanova?
- Kickstarter campaign for Uzebox
Quorum Changes - Unamimous - pass
Tig pedal - 2 abstain - pass
2mm ABS for vacuformer - 4 abstain - pass
Toner for printer - Unanimous - pass
Andrew for cleaning PCs from boneyard.
Beau - Hot water.
- meetings/general/2016/20161004
- Last modified: 4 years ago
- (external edit)