Open 20:30
Close 20:50
Author Dave Seff
Signed Unsigned
Tally 19

  • Phil Gowenlock
  • Alan Blake
  • Ross Bopf
  • Lysa Singh
  • Anna Gerber
  • Megs Drinkwater
  • Meka Beecham
  • Ben Barerra
  • Rosa Tong
  • Sven Hanzka
  • Andrew Irvine
  • James Churchill
  • Steph Piper
  • Alex Wixted
  • Jaimyn Mayer
  • Tim Reichie
  • Shane Sugrue
  • Andrew Canard
  • Aaron Bycroft
  • Infractions and you
  • Makers and Beer 28th of October
  • Supanova Working Bee
  • Silversmithing Christmas Workshops

Infractions - Change the terminology to “Ding” M&B - Reverse garbage; Raise the part initiative; Shane Modifyre and stuff Supanova - Working bee Sunday ; Stock for booth. Working bee items on forums and bring your stuff for sale; Things to get “Exposed” Silversmithing - Pendant and stone setting Stop destroying electonics gear. Dont leave suicide cords laying around .

Everyone who givs tours.

  • meetings/general/2016/20161018
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)