Open 20:05
Close 20:36
Author Michael King
Signed Brendan Halliday
Tally 22

  • Michael King
  • Scott Wilson
  • Craig Hudson-Taylor
  • Timothy Reichle
  • Blair Calderara
  • David Longland
  • Stuart Longland
  • Ian Haly
  • Steph Piper
  • Miles Whiticker
  • Joshua Hogendorn
  • Meg Drinkwater
  • Meka Beecham
  • Mike Ando
  • Nicholas Clews
  • Ian Redmond
  • Brendan Halliday
  • Jaimyn Mayer
  • Alex Wixted
  • Gary Cooper
  • Eris Ryan
  • Rosa Tong (Proxy)

  • Plywood sheets for Speakers ($260)
  • Ladder Budget ($700)
  • Bandsaw (approx. $3000)
  • Key Trackers ($200)
  • We had visitors from Griffith University talking about the upcoming Science Hack Day that will be held at our premises on the weekend of the 17-18th of March; this will display scientific works from low- to high-tech in a broad range of operations; they are seeking volunteers for assistance in set-up and operation of the event, as well as science-related projects; for further information
  • We had a visit from Konrad from The Robotics Club, talking about the upcoming Self-Driving Car Hackathon that they will be conducting between the 16th and the 18th of February; they will be purchasing a $2,500 car to retro-fit to operate remotely; for further information
  • There will be a Craft Punk meeting after the general meeting
  • Due to limitations with Slack, we are moving our instant messaging to Discord; please use this as we will be discontinuing the Slack page.
  • There have been cans removed from the store room, this is entirely unacceptable behaviour as it impacts directly on the members.
  • There will be a Cosplay and Craft meet on the 27th of January.
  • $49,000 in the account, of which we can spend $5000
  • Plywood sheets for Speakers ($260) - we are seeking to construct boxes for the speakers that are currently sitting in the wood shop mezzanine, as once they are built they can be sold for a decent profit, to this end a budget of $260 for 4x 18mm plywood sheets is sought initially so we can construct a set of speakers to display for speaker construction classes; 0 opposed, 0 abstained, motion passed.
  • Ladders ($700) - we are looking for various ladders, in particular for use in the wood shop but can be used for other works in and around the Space; 0 opposed, 0 abstained, motion passed.
  • Bandsaw (approx. $3000) - we are seeking a larger bandsaw for the woodshop, and are currently in discussions with the manufacturer regarding other tooling that we can obtain for a 10% discount; this can be used for other works, and would assist with attraction of new members; 4 opposed, 6 abstained, motion passed.
  • Key Trackers ($200) - we have had issues where site keys have disappeared in cars, so we are looking to purchase key trackers so we can determine where the site keys are located; these can be tracked via Bluetooth; 0 opposed, 0 abstained, motion passed.
  • Craig for servicing the table saw
  • Drew for meeting with TAFE QLD in regards to the possibility of moving to Eagle Farm TAFE
  • meetings/general/2018/20180123
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)