2018-03-06 Woodshop Ducting, General Tool Budget
Open 20:00
Close 20:32
Author Michael King
Signed Brendan Halliday
Tally 20
- Michael King
- Paul Luckman
- Lincoln Phillips
- Timothy Reichle
- Eris Ryan
- Craig Hudson-Taylor
- David Bussenschutt
- Ian Haly
- Chris Noonan
- Lucas Oldfield
- Brendan Halliday
- Nicholas Clews
- Lee Reid
- Mike Ando
- Megs Drinkwater
- Jimmy Reilly
- Meka Beecham
- Rosa Tong
- Michael Richmond
- Alex Wixted
- Woodshop Ducting (up to $1500)
- General Tool Budget (up to $300)
Meeting Notes
- The AGM for HSBNE Inc. has been set for April 24th, please indicate your interest in executive positions in the appropriate thread as all positions shall be up for nomination
- As of this meeting we have one potential location for a new site (Eagle Farm TAFE), but we are actively scouting for more possible locations
- Members are reminded to secure the site if they are the last people on the premises; this is a requirement of our lease terms.
Treasury Report
- No treasury report submitted
- Woodshop Ducting (up to $1500) - This will allow the larger dust extractor to operate in its full capacity; 0 opposed, 4 abstained, motion passed.
- General Tool Budget (up to $300) - This will permit the various areas to purchase basic hand tools as we are currently under-equipped; 0 opposed, 0 abstained, motion passed.
- Thanks for woodshop electrical works
- Thanks to various members for assistance with interlock assembly
- meetings/general/2018/20180306
- Last modified: 5 years ago
- (external edit)