2018-03-13 Financial Auditing
Open 20:00
Close 20:10
Author Michael King
Signed Brendan Halliday
Tally 21
- Michael King
- Blair Calderara
- Ian Haly
- Scott Wilson
- Jaimyn Mayer
- Timothy Reichle
- Paul Luckman
- Brendan Halliday
- David Bussenschutt
- Joshua Hogendorn
- Nathan Beveridge
- Meka Beecham
- Mike Ando
- Ian Redmond
- Eris Ryan
- Kim Ulrick
- Paula O’Donnell
- Alex Wixted
- Steph Piper (Proxy)
- Beau Sandford (Proxy)
- Drew Spriggs (Proxy)
- Financial Auditing ($2400)
Meeting Notes
- A ding has been applied to the person that effectively crashed through the Members' Storage roof; the roof cavity does have exposed wiring as well as a large amount of fibreglass insulation, so it is a safety hazard as well as a security issue. If the doors are locked for any reason, please notify any member of the executive team.
Treasury Report
- No treasury report submitted
- Financial Auditing - we are legally required to have an independent financial audit at the end of each club financial year (in our case, after the 31st of March). For the last couple of years, this has not occurred, due to the lack of action of our previous auditor. This budget item is to ensure that our legal requirements will be met; 0 opposed, 1 abstained, motion passed.
- Thanks to whomever cleaned the Boneyard
- Thanks to Blair for cleaning the electronics bench
- meetings/general/2018/20180313
- Last modified: 4 years ago
- (external edit)