2018-06-19 Wall-mount Server Rack
Open 20:05
Close 20:14
Author Michael King
Signed Alex Wixted
Tally 23
- Michael King
- Alex Wixted
- Eris Ryan
- Craig Hudson-Taylor
- Ian Haly
- Mark Pavlichuk
- Blair Calderara
- Lucas Oldfield
- Ian Redmond
- Mike Morrison
- Timothy Reichle
- Brendan Halliday
- Meka Beecham
- Luke Hovington
- Julie Kernick
- David Bussenschutt
- Jaimyn Mayer
- Aaron Bycroft
- Stefan Winton
- Drew Spriggs
- Alan Donnelly
- James Churchill
- Mike Ando
- Wall-mount Server Rack ($260)
Meeting Notes
- Please scramble the lock-box code, as this is part of our requirements for site security
- There is a proposal to create an automotive cause, where members are able to work on their vehicles and are able to seek funds for tooling and consumables
- The WiFi and camera infrastructure has been upgraded
- The tooling interlock code has been updated - please swipe on and swipe off when using the larger tools
Treasury Report
- No treasury report given
- Wall-mount Server Rack ($260) - this is integral to recovering space within the server room, as the current rack is under-utilised to the point of being a waste of space in itself; with a smaller unit we are able to make space underneath for a shelving unit; 0 opposed, 0 abstained, motion passed.
- Thanks to Brendan for sourcing and installing the networking equipment
- Thanks to Beau for installing the new network rack in the secondary building
- Thanks to Josh for fixing the coffee machine and installing a chicken soup dispenser
- meetings/general/2018/20180619
- Last modified: 5 years ago
- (external edit)