Open 20:11
Close 20:46
Author Michael King
Signed Alex Wixted
Tally 23

  • Drew Spriggs
  • Alex Breckell
  • James Stockdale
  • Joshua Hogendorn
  • Timothy Reichle
  • Nathan Beveridge
  • James Churchill
  • Ian Redmond
  • Brendan Halliday
  • Jaimyn Mayer
  • Scott Wilson
  • Jarod Saunders
  • Aaron Bycroft
  • Mike Morrison
  • Ivan Storr
  • Michael King
  • Meka Beecham
  • Fionn Volkov
  • Jared Dalrymple
  • Luke Hill
  • Eris Ryan
  • Sven Hanzka
  • Dave Seff

  • LiftMaster ($1000)
  • Adobe CC Subscription ($73/month)
  • Container Dome discussion
  • SpiderLift discussion
  • Please ensure when exiting the site, to lock all doors and scramble the lockbox on the gate.
  • We are currently testing our new member portal system. Please feel free to stress-test this as it will allow us to find and fix any bugs.
  • We will be conducting an audit of our PPE and safety items.
  • Item storage shall be restricted to appropriate methods, i.e. within containers or in appropriate locations. Storage of loose items shall be strictly prohibited.
  • No Treasury Report given
  • LiftMaster ($1000) - This is a pneumatic/powered bin lifter for safer emptying of the small bins into the commercial bins; this can also be used to empty the dust extractor bin; we may not have a place to effectively store this item; 6 for, 9 opposed, 10 abstentions; MOTION FAILED.
  • Adobe Creative Centre subscription ($73/month) - This will permit us to use the Creative Centre suite of programs within the Green Room computers; it will be cheaper to subscribe for the whole suite of programs as opposed to individual programs; proposal modified to 3 month trial period; 2 opposed, 4 abstentions; motion passed.
  • Container Dome discussion - The current container dome we have has been very effective in improving our usable space, i.e. covering the Blacksmithing area, and we are looking to purchase a second one to cover the adjoining space; the containers are correctly spaced to accomodate a second dome; 0 opposed, 2 abstentions, motion passed.
  • SpiderLift project - This project is similar to a scissor lift, but is narrower than a car. Permission is being sought to store the project when it is not being worked upon; the project will be completed prior to February (i.e. 3-4 months); a bond will be submitted for removal of the project. This project will have commercial/R&D applications; details on the build will be posted, and will be tabled at the next meeting; 0 opposed, 1 abstention, conditionally approved.
  • Thanks to Beau for works
  • Thanks to all that helped with the site clean-up (in the forge area, DigiFab and the general area)
  • Thanks to all that assisted with the safety incident
  • meetings/general/2018/20180814
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • (external edit)