2019-04-16 - Dexion Pallet Racking, Door/Window Sensors
Meeting Opened: 20:04
Meeting Closed: 20:32
Author: Michael King
Signed: Alex Wixted
Attending Members
- Michael King
- Lincoln Phillips
- Timothy Reichle
- Dave Seff
- Tim Owen
- Joshua Hogendorn
- Craig Hudson-Taylor
- Emily Taylor
- Gabrielle Hewitt
- Aaron Bycroft
- Miles Whiticker
- Eris Ryan
- Chris Noonan
- Sven Hanzka
- James Churchill
- Lucas Oldfield
- Steve Jordan
- James Beecham
- Alex Wixted
- Jaimyn Mayer
- Craig Rea
- Jonathan Wagener
- Brendan Halliday
Meeting Notes
- AGM Announced for 14/5/2019
- Working Bees, need people to show up; looking to have set times of month to run (e.g. Saturday Open Days, at 10? def. prior to open hours), will be conducted on Saturday Open Days
- Proposal for 2 non-official positions (Social Media and Assistant Treasurer)
- Cause Leader positions up for grabs at AGM = Toolbox Talks for general meetings, can be used to reinforce learnings, discuss tooling/projects
Treasury Report
- 2500 for use in general, 12k in available funds
- Dexion Pallet Racking - storage under second canopy, cost-effective to buy and modify, proposal for 10 bays of racking for $1100 (better than second-hand costs); 0 against, 4 abstaining, passed.
- R&D for Door/Window sensors - (see threadpost), non-permanent fixtures to track status of closeables; 0 against, 2 against, passed.
- Thanks to Jacques for office works
- Thanks to Drew and Louis for picking up new metal bandsaw
- Thanks to woodshop cause for continual improvements to area
- meetings/general/2019/20190416
- Last modified: 5 years ago
- (external edit)