2019-08-20- Proposed infrastructure committee

Open 8:04pm
Close 9:00pm
Author Gabrielle Hewitt
Signed Alex Wixted
Tally 14

- Jaimyn: infrastructure subcommittee

- Voting Members in (Jaimyn, Nog, Buzz)

- Jaimyn: Guest policy amendment

- Nog: Purchase Proposal- $1500 electrician budget

- Nog: Purchase Proposal- Ladders

Members Present

- Gabrielle Hewitt

- Aaron Bycroft

- Jaimyn Mayer

- Cal Russe

- Jacques Botte

- Dave Seff

- ? Noon

- Emily Taylor

- James Churchill

- Brendan Halliday

- Craig Hudson-Taylor

- Steve Jordon

- Joshua Hog

- Ian R

- Meka Beecham

- Jimoth

Non-Members Present:

- Eric Low

- Stephen 

- Millin Bear


- None

4600 grand in general spending account

Approx 53000 grand in the savings account

10-15k spending

- Jaimyn: infrastructure subcommittee

- Josh: how are people added to the committee; at a general meeting

- Alex: proposal, plus 3 other subcommittee members to oversee the money being spent etc

- Josh: AGM revote? Add new clause to change all subcommittee rules 

- Nog: Already codifying what already happens, 

- Finn: 

- Pushed to next week pending changes

- Jaimyn: Accompanied Guests 

- Children addition

- Limited day changes

- Tim: clarification on events, does not apply to this 

- Change to interlock section to cover guests.

- Alex: traffic light system?

- Josh: group memberships concerns

- Taking out “Any minors that are onsite as a guest are not allowed to use any tools or machinery requiring an induction or those fitted with an interlock. The limit on the number of days as defined below does not apply to minors.”

- Vote: Abstaining 1, Against 0 Motion passed

- Nog $1500 budget proposal test and tag

- Josh: 

- Would the existing machines pass?

- Vote: Abstaining 1, Against 0, Motion Passed

- Nog $150 Ladder purchase proposal

- No safe ladders on site.

- Josh: bump the purchase to $200 for higher weight. Is fine to go ahead

- Vote: Abstaining 1, against 0, motion passed

- Finn acknowledgement of country

- Breaking up into 3 separate votes

- James

- Meka: reconciliation plan to be in place

- Blair: First line only, full speech at major events

- Finn: 

- Nog: 

- Meka: 

- Finn: 

- Nog: Raise a motion to do a reconciliation plan

General Business-

- Gabrielle: please write your full name clearly on the sign in sheet

- Also full legal name

- Emily: cleaning quotes for volunteer to be on site to walk them through

- Emily: volunteers for supanova

- Nog: redoing greenroom, thread to go up to be discussed with

- Josh: in about 3 weeks time, a meeting for the “contributors”, what have you been working on, what's hindering progress etc. subscquent 

- If you indicate youd like to attend but cant 

- Nogs: games night, looking for someone to help run it due to personal conflict on dates

- Jaimyn: floorplan on new screen for open doors/windows

- Thank you to James, Jaimyn and Nog from alex for door and windows sensor

- Thank you to james from nog for fixing a fuckup

- Thank you finn from alex for inclusivity talks, got rejected

- Thank you to jux from jaimyn for fixing the drill holder

  • meetings/general/2019/20190820
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • (external edit)