2020-07-21- AGM 2020

Meeting Opened: 20:11
Meeting Closed: 21:23
Author: Emily Taylor
Signed: Alex Wixted and Josh Hogendorn

  • Ian Redmond
  • Lucas Oldfield
  • Lincoln Phillips
  • Joshua Hogendorn
  • Craig Rea
  • Paula O’Donnell
  • David Bussenschutt
  • Aaron Bycroft
  • Gabrielle Hewitt
  • Emily Taylor
  • Alex Wixted
  • Scott Wilson
  • Timothy Reichle
  • Dave Seff
  • Jaimyn Mayer
  • Steve Jordan


  • Ale More
  • Brendan Halliday


  • Jacques Botte has nominated Jaimyn Mayer
  • Murray Wayper has nominated Josh Hogendorn
  • Zac Forrester has nominated Jaimyn Mayer
  • Colby Davidson has nominated Jaimyn Mayer
  • Brendan Halliday has nominated Emily Taylor
  • Welcome to the edition of COVID AGM
  • Making strides in all cause areas, Craftpunk, Metal shop and Woodshop have made big changes.
  • Exec has been functioning smoothly thanks to Josh, Ian and Emily deserve warm thank yous
  • Thank you for having Alex as President, it’s been an honour as a privilege, looking forward to stepping into Blacksmithing leader.
  • It has been hard with Covid disrupting Tuesday nights, but has forced us to adapt


We should be spending some of the cash we have to convert into assets and services to bolster membership. Generally we’re in good shape, ready to post to Office of Fair Trading

Exec Team

President: Josh Hogendorn, nominated by Alex, seconded by Scott
Treasurer: Ian Redmond, nominated by Alex, seconded by Josh
Secretary: Emily Taylor, nominated by Josh, seconded by Alex
Vice President: David Bussenschutt, nominated by Josh, seconded Jaimyn
Patron: Dave Seff, nominated by Aaron, seconded by Jaimyn

Cause Leaders

Woodshop: Josh Hogendorn, nominated by Alex, seconded by Ian
Metal Shop: Craig Rea, nominated by Alex, seconded by Dave
Electronics: Brendan Halliday, nominated by Alex, seconded by Jaimyn
Blacksmithing: Alex Wixted, nominated by Josh, seconded by Dave
Digifab: Aaron Bycroft, nominated by Alex, seconded by Jaimyn
Craftpunk: Continues as self-governing anarchy, nominated by Alex, seconded by Paula
Automotive: Scott Wilson, nominated by Josh, seconded by Brendan
Infrastructure: Jaimyn Mayer, nominated by Alex, seconded by Emily

Exec Team

President: Josh Hogendorn AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 1 . President Elected

Treasurer: Ian Redmond AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. Treasurer Elected

Secretary: Emily Taylor AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. Secretary Elected

Vice President: David Bussenschutt AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. Vice President Elected

Patron: Dave Seff AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. Patron Elected

Cause Leaders

Woodshop: Josh Hogendorn AGAINST COUNT 4, ABSTAINING COUNT 2 . Leader Elected
Metal Shop: Craig Rea AGAINST COUNT 3, ABSTAINING COUNT 0 . Leader Elected
Electronics: Brendan Halliday AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2 . Leader Elected
Blacksmithing: Alex Wixted AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 1 . Leader Elected
Digifab: Aaron Bycroft AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. Leader Elected
Craftpunk: Continues on as is AGAINST COUNT 3, ABSTAINING COUNT 0
Automotive: Scott Wilson AGAINST COUNT 3, ABSTAINING COUNT 2 . Leader Elected
Infrastructure: Jaimyn Mayer AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2 . Leader Elected

  • Revote of constitution changes. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED (Special resolution brackets)
  • 3 month limit on Green Tickets. AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
  • Reinstate the guest policy. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
  • Change to allow members to only hold one voted role at a time. AGAINST COUNT 6, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
  • $280 for battery testing equipment for battery recycling to be part of a dedicated bay in Electronics. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
  • $750 for new battery welding gear to be part of a dedicated bay in Electronics. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
  • $2,450 Woodshop spending proposal . AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
  • Thanks to Buzz and Aaron for their work into Chonkasaurus
  • Thanks to Ale in the Woodshop for his work
  • Thanks to Kvy for his work in the Woodshop
  • Thanks to Emily for grant work
  • Thanks to Ian, Emily and Josh for the last six months in progressing HSBNE
  • Thanks to everyone who got the space up and running after restrictions lifted
  • Thanks to all previous exec for having the space running without catching fire
  • meetings/general/2020/20200721
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by pommygirl