2020-08-18 Removing Woofing, Infrastructure cause, Metal Laser cutter, many purchases
Meeting Opened: 20:10
Meeting Closed: 20:57
Author: Emily Taylor
Signed: Josh Hogendorn
Attending Members (25)
- Josh Hogendorn
- Tim Reichle
- David Bussenschutt
- Scott Wilson
- Michael King
- Hermann Schraut
- Lucas Oldfield
- David Johnson
- Emily Taylor
- Mike Ando
- Paula O’Donnell
- Eris Ryan
- Brendan Halliday
- Dave Seff
- Ian Redmond
- Steve Jordan
- Jaimyn Mayer
- Nicholas David
- Lincoln Phillips
- Lionel Theunissen
- Alejandro More’
- Craig Rea
- Blair Calderara
- Zac Forrester
- Aaron Bycroft
Meeting Notes
- Buzz has stepped down as Vice President
- Removal of Woofing membership option due to poor outcomes
Treasury Report
- $1800 Revote for Magna bend . AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $8,000 nominal budget for second hand lathe. AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- Update to sign in and out policy. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $600 budget for new batteries, oil and refurb of forklift. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $100 pcm marketing budget. AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 3. MOTION PASSED
- Update of ban schedule for silent or abandoned maintenance and fractal burning. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $250 for label maker, $100 for label material. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
- $300 budget for Woodshop to continue work on dust extraction system. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
- $1000 for Woodshop furniture. AGAINST COUNT 2, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
- $400 budget for bulk purchase of RFID readers. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $20,000 ongoing budget for large format laser metal cutter. AGAINST COUNT 2, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
- Yearly induction requirement. AGAINST COUNT 2, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $600 budget for Ryobi batteries. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- Formation of Infrastructure Cause to formalise who works on HSBNE Infrastructure AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- Community gambling fund application failed to pass, but not our fault, processing was halted due to Covid. We have been directed to reapply.
- Reminder- to help with ‘just-in-time’ signage, causes are asked to do a quick inventory and send to Jaimyn for creating plaques with NFC and QR codes.
- Lathe is in the Metalshop, maintenance has been performed, looking to buy quick-change tooling
- The magna bend is half-built
- Reminder: we have a padlock on the Eat St gate
- An oven caught on fire, please don’t leave equipment unattended
- Thank you to Steve Jordan for his writeup of HSBNE in Writer’s Grapevine, an international writer’s magazine.
- Thank you to Putty for letting us use his van so we could pick up the new Greenroom TV
- Thanks to Aaron Jaimyn and Josh for putting TV on wall
- Thanks to Jaimyn and Beau for putting the new lighting
- Thanks Jaimyn for his work with the Portal
- Thanks to people who come to the Woodshop on Wednesdays, making leaps and bounds on all the equipment and improvements
- Thanks to Mike for continuing efforts on Chonkasaurus
- Thanks Lincoln and Vish for their help with personal projects
- Thanks to members who volunteer to run tours
- meetings/general/2020/20200818
- Last modified: 5 years ago
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