2020-09-01- Metalshop maintenance, Forge Items and Digifab
Meeting Opened: 20:15
Meeting Closed: 20:50
Author: Emily Taylor
Signed: Josh Hogendorn and Aaron Bycroft
Attending Members (25)
- Emily Taylor
- Ian Redmond
- Brendan Halliday
- Aaron Bycroft
- Josh Hogendorn
- Alex Uhde
- Doug Miller
- Zac Crow
- James Beecham
- Scott Wilson
- Lucas Oldfield
- Eris Ryan
- Alex Wixted
- Ale Morè
- Murray Wayper
- Dave Seff
- Tim Reichle
- Michael King
- Craig Rea
- Anthony Beecham
- Paula O’Donnell
- Gabrielle Hewitt
- Steve Jordan
- David Johnson
Jacques Botte has nominated Brendan Halliday
Treasury Report
- $1500 for Metalshop maintenance (mill, Green lathe and welders). AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
- $200 budget to replace old wi-fi access in the classroom. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $200 budget for more tubs in the server room. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
- $300 budget for replacement Milwaukee angle grinders. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
- $310 budget, split between Forge and Metalshop for linisher belts. AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $2,120.50 budget for new swage, 6 inch leg vise and large cone mandrel for the Forge (budget includes shipping). AGAINST COUNT 2, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
Digifab Items
- $542.15 budget for: 5 x Raspberry Pi 4, 5 x PSU, 3 x Case. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $75 budget for 5 x 32GB micro SD cards. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $290 AUD ($200 USD) budget for 4x Touch units. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $100 budget for replacing Photon power supply. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- Update of policy on use of custom G-code. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
General Announcements
- Laser is coming on site on Thursday
- CNC sheet router, deposit paid, it is being built, ETA October/November
- Exec have been issuing bans lately, please ensure you’re doing the right thing, being considerate, if something breaks, tell someone
- Note to clean up after yourselves, Metal shop has been noticeably bad with grinder dust
- Reminder about Guest policy: you must supervise someone you know, guests are not allowed to use inducted tools.
- We’re doing a social media push. If you have something to show off, you can put pictures on Discord, or you’d like to help run Facebook or Instagram, we’d love to hear from members.
- Container Working Bee- threw out 1.4 ton of stuff, big thank you to Zac for organising, and for everyone who came to help
- Classroom has been reorganised- printer, laminators, labeler, guillotine, please make use of these to document and improve the space
- Ale is taking over as Woodshop Cause Leader to free up Josh for the Presidency
- Lucas is taking over as Electrical Cause Leader to free up Brendan for Infratructure
- Zac for organising the Container Working Bee
- Thanks to everyone who attended the Working Bee- Paula, Ian, Alex, Josh and Jaimyn
- Thanks Josh and Jaimyn for tool template documentation on the wiki
- meetings/general/2020/20200901
- Last modified: 4 years ago
- by