2020-09-15- Coffee Machines, Test’n’Tag, Upgrades and Interlocks
Meeting Opened: 20:23
Meeting Closed: 20:58
Author: Emily Taylor
Signed: Josh Hogendorn
Attending Members (19)
- Emily Taylor
- Josh Hogendorn
- Scott Wilson
- Brendan Halliday
- Tim Reichle
- Wayne Mathie
- Ale More
- Aaron Bycroft
- Jaimyn Mayer
- Ian Redmond
- James Beecham
- Eris Ryan
- Dave Seff
- Steve Jordan
- Kris Kolstead
- Zach Forrester
- Michael King
- Paula O’Donnell has nominated Emily Taylor
- Jacques Botte has nominated Brendan Halliday
Treasury Report
- $800 for purchasing the coffee machines in the lobby. AGAINST COUNT 3, ABSTAINING COUNT 4. MOTION PASSED
- Amendment to Infrastructure cause policy Re funding model. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
- $705 one-off budget to restock First Aid kits. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $200 budget to purchase 3 unifi nanoswitches. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $1000 budget for 5 Unfi-G cameras. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
- Vote to retire the HSBNE Facebook members group. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- Formatting of HSBNE email addresses to be standardised to first_name.last_name@hsbne.org. AGAINST COUNT 1, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $400 for the following items for Hildi the CNC mill: Tooling plate, facemill arbour, air hose fittings, replacement coolant hose. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $200 Proposal for Test’n’Tag Custom Tags. AGAINST COUNT, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
- $2,000 budget for kiln upgrade and maintenance: 180-200 metres of nichrome wire, kiln cement, Orange Pi. AGAINST COUNT 2, ABSTAINING COUNT 3. MOTION PASSED
- $1500 budget to purchase more hardware for building at least another 20 interlocks. AGAINST COUNT, ABSTAINING COUNT 1. MOTION PASSED
General Announcements
- We have applied to the Hackerspace grant to release more funds earlier
- Big push to make things accessible, working and documented, money to be focused on making things usable
- Josh has had a meeting with EDQ/CBRE about future plans for the site
- Waiting until works are confirmed to go for a lease
- Cause leaders have been asked for a plan for the next three months for working, accessible and documented tools
- Thanks to Brendan for installing the new classroom Wifi
- Congratulations to Jaimyn on his engagement to Aidan!!!
- Thanks to the Woodshop crew for improvements to the space
- Thanks to Dave and Eris for their work on the Metalshop CNC machine
- Thanks to Josh for his legwork in getting the Woodshop CNC machine onsite
- Thanks greatly for the virtual meeting room, it helps us to be there without being there
- Thanks to Jaimyn for his work on making the space more telecommuting friendly
- meetings/general/2020/20200915
- Last modified: 4 years ago
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