2020-12-08- Bags, tester and electrical
Meeting Opened: 20:08
Meeting Closed: 20:26
Author: Emily Taylor
Signed: Josh Hogendorn
Attending Members (15) (22)
- Emily Taylor
- Brendan Halliday
- Timothy Reichle
- Dave Seff
- Michael King
- Josh Hogendorn
- Eris Ryan
- Lincoln Phillips
- Scott Wilson
- Ian Redmond
- Craig Rea
- Jaimyn Mayer
- Lionel Theunissen
- Aaron Bycroft
- Akshay Lemaire
- Peri Albert
- Fletcher Barnes
- Nathalie Farah
- Shahram Kardooni
Kieran Bicheno has nominated Josh Hogendorn
Jacques Botte has nominated Brendan Halliday
Jarod Saunders has nominated Michael King
Treasury Report
- $135 for dust collection bags in Woodshop. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $1600 for a portable appliance tester. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 2. MOTION PASSED
- $4000 budget for electrical works. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
General Announcements
- Shipping for the CNC is estimated for 9th of January
- Cash crunch has passed, exec will be triaging what voted items will be purchased first
- Ian discovered AGL had been double-debiting our account, we got a refund of $3.5k
- Meeting this Thursday with CBRE and EDQ to look at their updated plan for the area
- Josh has requested that CBRE and EDQ meet to discuss a lease so we can commit to painting, flooring and other investments HSBNE are planning to put into the site
- Please check the gate before you leave, we have locked other members out according to security - And we need to lock both gates
- Please make sure you have locked up Metalshop - we will replace with a newer lock
- We had our first Craftpunk meet up for 2020, it went well and are looking forward to the next one!
- Thanks to Ian for spotting the AGL billing problem
- Thanks to Shahram for applying to get us some Solidworks licenses
- Thanks to Paula for her work on MDMS
- Thanks to Brendan for fixing the Zigbee screen
- meetings/general/2020/20201208
- Last modified: 4 years ago
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