2020-12-22- RFID cards, Dremel and Electrical bike conversion
Meeting Opened: 20:10
Meeting Closed: 20:50
Author: Emily Taylor
Signed: Josh Hogendorn
Attending Members (15) (17)
- Emily Taylor
- Josh Hogendorn
- David Bussenschutt
- Murray Wayper
- Aaron Bycroft
- Ale Morè
- Duncan Greer
- Jacques Botte
- Bobby Hale
- Craig Rea
- Akshay Lemaire
- Ryan Marple
Paula O’Donnell has nominated Emily Taylor
Zac Forrester has nominated Josh Hogendorn
Michael King has nominated Brendan Halliday
Jarod Saunders has nominated Jaimyn Mayer
Kieran Bicheno has nominated Josh Hogendorn
Meeting Notes
- Update on lease site changes, upcoming works etc.
- General Safety Reminder - Need to wear PPE, Exec is looking to add PPE to the ban schedule. We have been operating for 11 years with only a few safety incidents.
- Aaron and Buzz updated the status of Chonkasaurus
- Call to help with Digifab documentation
Treasury Report
- $450 budget for 1000 new RFID cards, as requested by the executive team. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- Electrical motorbike conversion- Large project storage Benjamin Whitehead - $100 deposit. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- $300 for Dremel and accessories for CraftPunk. AGAINST COUNT 0, ABSTAINING COUNT 0. MOTION PASSED
- Thanks to all members for being patient with our Covid 19 response
- Thanks to Buzz and Aaron for their work on Chonkasaurus
- Thanks to Ryan for making a spindle for the surface grinder
- Thanks to Jacques for the donation of the electrical safety hooks
- Thanks to Ale for doing Woodshop inductions this week
- meetings/general/2020/20201222
- Last modified: 4 years ago
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