2021-07-13 Announcements Only
Chair: Josh H
Signed: Ryan K
- No motions were to be voted on so attendance was not taken.
- The BE CNC in the woodshop is now available for members to use under supervision. If you have a project you would like to do on the machine, speak to Ryan Kirkpatrick, Ale, or Josh or post it in the CNC channel.
- The exec has added a new item to the ban schedule ranging from 3 months to permanent. The exact wording of the ban is “Making legal or other threats in an attempt to coerce, intimidate, or act in bad faith towards HSBNE or any member acting in the interest of HSBNE.”
- Upcoming changes to the roadway out the front, MacArthur Ave, for construction & drilling.
- Capex Meeting after the main meeting.
- Working bee for new interlocks Next Tuesday night. Open to all to help assemble.
Motions None
- meetings/general/2021/20210713
- Last modified: 3 years ago
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