Chair: Josh H
Signed: Dave Seff
Opened: 8:08
- Josh Hogendorn
- Jess Wessing
- Eris Ryan
- Timothy Reichle
- Murray Wayper
- Cameron Payne
- Kyia Bourne
- Dave Seff
- David Jericho
- Bobby Hale
- Alex Wixted
- Ryan Marple
- Ale More
- Andrew White
- Meaghan White
- Andrew Stevenson
- Fraser Paterson
- Raf Kempeneers
- Oscar Rodriguez
- Josh Wood
Trasury report -
Announcements * Central Air is being worked on and now there is compressed air in the main building. * Teams rostered:
- Metalshop
- Forge
* Projects:
- Zip tap in kitchen
- Painting area in container
Event Updates -
- Formation of Team Craftpunk - PASS 14/3/0
- Window Sensors - PASS 14/1/0
- Purchase or Alexas - PASS 12/3/1
- Purchase of CNC probes - PASS 18/0/0
- Sonof - PASS 11/1/2
- Compressor - PASS 15/2/0
- Desktop Charging - FAIL 8/2/7
- Legal Budget - PASS 13/0/3
General Business - Proposing that the handover for Exec at the AGM is two months to provide knowledge transfer.
- meetings/general/2022/20220125
- Last modified: 2 years ago
- by