opened 8.07pm

HSBNE acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today, the Yuggera and Turrbal people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.

Update from treasurer on the groups finances

Capital Held - $12k approx in transaction account

Cashflow - About $7k in cashflow in, $1200 of is an annual membership,

Past and Projected Expenditures - a couple of larger expenses coming up, such as $3k “owed” to landlord

Debts $0


It is reported that we need a Secretary…

It is vital that the organisation to have a Secretary from a legal perspective.

Action: All teams to discuss the vacancy with their open volunteers.

Action: email membership with call for secretary

Action: Exec to come up with a brief job description - look up “seek volunteer” to put an add out

If no person is found by the next general meeting majority of all organisational projects will be halted until one is found

Team Updates

Everything moving along smoothly.

Actively working towards smaller goals, smaller mill about to be listed for sale, horizontal bandsaw just awaiting electrician.

Ben doing good work keeping everything clean, tidied and organised.

There are a few machines out of order at the moment and just awaiting peoples time to fix

Re-doing the dust collection systems.

Unfortunately Ale asked for members to clean the shop the other day and nobody else turned up to clean

Matt still helping out with transitioning all the minutes etc

Have not yet gotten around to putting the roof up yet. Zac has done a good job redoing the racking for tools, next to work on SnpeIT and Inventry Have been thoroughly discussing the potential of moving things around to make things a lot better to use

Call for team proposal

Is being resuscitated one item at a time

New sublimation printer is now up and running!

Will be the primary item available for the open day, to allow them to provide people with take away items.

Definitely focussing on the open day stuffs

  • Ale to move woodshop meeting minutes to wiki.
    • Done
  • All team leaders look at lease and provide feedback to annotations by Murray.
    • Currently the biggest concern with the new lease is surrounding safety.
    • In terms of taking actions from here, we are putting back changes back to landlord
  • All teams decide what they require for air supply, default is 1” ball valve. If inadequate, require justification.
    • Teams to put their requirements for the air fittings into the Excel sheet
  • Grant application priority from committee.
    • Unfortunately Murray has had no bandwith to update on this one, if any members have time to devote to this please contact Murray!

Alex will put forward an alternative proposal for OU meeting schedule to allow for flexibility.

To action these seperate

Josh to approach teams to discuss feedback on meeting schedules and documentation.

General Business

  1. Secretary
  2. Volunteer coordinator
  3. Project management
  4. Safety officer
  5. Apprentice to the secretary, and president treasurer
  6. Marketing, social media, outreach
  7. culture manager
  8. Quartermaster
  9. Charity officer
  10. Infrastructure Manager
  11. Infrastructure Volunteers


  1. Potentially putting out an email to general membership
  2. Possibly put signs up around space with job descriptions around the space - Thanks Ryan m!
  3. People who take on these named roles will be responsible to deciding and defining exactly what these roles involve and are responsible for.

We need to roll together some community rules, such as behaviour, language, adult space but not “adult” space. To clarify people on discord as their actual function within the organisation. To provide a process for members to stop people DMing about official things as the space has no record

Currently this is a bit difficult and everybody on all levels seems to be struggling. Spreadsheet seems like the easiest way to do it. Teams to “check” their members off the spreadsheet before the general meeting every month. Only likely issue is just making sure we communicate with new volunteers about a potential lag in applying discounts.

Organisation needs infrastructure volunteers ASAP. If noone puts their hand up, things are going to come to a stop. Dave has put his hand up to assist!

https://forum.hsbne.org/t/dealing-with-the-speaker-stock/4491 Woodshop really does want to move this stocks out of the mezzanine, to use space for storage etc Add to next working Bee - move all stocks into cold storage in racking Put a set of parts together, put on ebay for a $$ figure for collection and see how many move in what time period Ale to chase Matt and look potentially at an auction house to move all the individual parts off as a bulk lot

Lawyer has been contacted for ongoing issue. Normal rate is $360-$500/hr. They are reducing to $300/hr. Estimate is 7-9 hours. Current fund has sufficient for 15Hrs

Proposal to engage lawyers this week. Deadline for response is Monday 31 October.

Options are at this point: All teams agree to have a westpac account per team - Josh to setup Committee agrees that upon a teams completion of their duties each month, they will have an arbitrary $100 to be deposited into that savings account. Teams will however get paid their opex regardless to enable spaces to continue functioning

Monthly meetings are not quite cutting it. The discord channel isn’t quite cutting it from an engagement perspective. Committee agrees to utilise the forum more in order to engage discussions. Silence is bad, even if you have nothing to add, please acknowledge said discussion points

Teams do not appear to be ready for the open day

From teams

  • Machines that are on display
  • Demonstrations provided
  • Number of team members available across the day to run those items
  • Any photos and videos of space and
  • Any materials need to be ordered/accounted for
  • Any costs required

Murray to provide list of actionables list for this

Teams to start providing lists of general tasks that can be done at working bees Team leads to encourage members to actually turn up to Working Bees as well More focus on these in general needed

Proposals Approved

Bin refresh budget - $1400 once


  • Replace existing wheelie bins
  • Additional bins for metalshop, woodshop, forge

== Standards Documents subscription $600 Annual =


  • Ensure following good practice
  • Demonstrate HSBNE is working to industry standards (not arbitrary decisions)

Action: teams select documents to acquire.

First aid and safety cabinets - $3000 once


  • Stratco Utility 2 Door Cabinet
  • First aid packs for cabinets in each location

HSBNE 1300 Number - $250 once


  • 1300 number can be relevant & memorable
  • Redirect using IVR


Bins and safety stuff this month

Meeting closed at 10:10pm

  • meetings/general/2022/20221004
  • Last modified: 22 months ago
  • by antifoo