- Opened by at: 7:38 pm
- Meeting adjourned at: 8:10 pm
- Chairperson: President Ale More
- Minutes submitted by: Secretary Zac Marcus
- Ale More
- Andrew White
- Zac Marcus
- Tim Reichle
- Eris Ryan
- Steve Jordan
- Josh Hogendorn (late)
Quorum present? Yes
Others Present:
Acknowledgement of Country
HSBNE acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet today, the Yuggera and Turrbal people, and pay our respects to Elders past and present.
Review Previous Meetings Minutes
The previous meeting minutes were reviewed.
Treasurer’s report
- 30 members
- The Paint Factory owes us ~1500
Membership revenue:
- February $1690
- January $1650
- December $1650
- November $1565
- October $1365
- September $1265
- August $1,195
- July 2023 $7,005
Net income:
- February $706 / month
- January -$704 / month
- December -$764 / month
- November forecast -$774 / month
- October -974 / month
- September -1526 / month
People signed up for tours (not all attend)
- January 10
- December 13
- November 18
- October 16
- September 13
- August 9
- July 2023 32
- July 2023 31
- Feb 2023 43
- None
General Business
YAG laser sale
- There has been no interest at $12000. Discussed and decided to drop the price to $10000
- Investigated loaning/selling to other groups, but none were interested
Other Discussions
- Discussed rent of containers and yag
- Discussed donating the surface grinder to another not for profit, QMAC. There were no objections. There have been no offers so far for the surface grinder and it is in many parts.
- Steve suggestion of reporting the number of members that come on a tour every month
What the exec been up to the last month
- Working bee - continued to work on sorting out the containers. The spot welder has been returned to its owner.
- Further organisation of electronics / crafting area
Team updates
- Running inductions for new members
- Fixed backlash in the CNC
3D printing & Laser cutting
- None
Arts & Crafts
- None
- Welding table coming along nicely
- meetings/general/2025/20250211
- Last modified: 7 weeks ago
- by