Members present

Geoff Cowie

Nabeel Khan

Alyssa Nerney

Kyia Bourne

Start time 18:15


Ongoing automation

Budgets for glass stuff

Budget for plumbing

Minimum hours required for volunteer rate

Discussed the use of Taskade to delegate and list tasks as the months go on to mitigate stagnation between meetings. All present agreed to download and try the app.

we then discussed that if members felt they were unable to come in throughout the month to complete 4-6 hours of volunteer time that can come to the monthly working bee to quality. Made sure to mention that you must talk top the treasure or president to ensure you are listed for the volunteer rate.

Plumbing budget at $200 to buy pipes and taps for the dirty punk sink was voted on and approved. Member Geoff Cowie to purchase and bring to space.

Glass tools discussed and a budget of $200 approached to buy start up tools. Kyia Bourne to purchase.

during the member it was requested to buy a started kit for the vinyl cutter an this was voted on approved by the group, this lead on to more talk about the vinyl cutter and inductions needed for members to use it, member Alyssa Nerney will try to assist with this.

Talk of future budgets made note that we would like a dedicated PC or laptop for craft punk software/space.

Meeting closed at 18.45

  • meetings/teams/craftpunk/20230523
  • Last modified: 21 months ago
  • by antifoo