Meeting opened 11am


  • Alex Wixted
  • Zak Crow
  • Jess Wessling
  • Fraser Paterson
  • Eris Ryan

Confirmed all volunteers have completed their monthly obligations.

Voting Item:

  • provide stock of steel for members to purchase.
  • deferred as low priority item. Team likes the idea in theory, but equipment/tooling up the forge area a much higher priority.

GCBF Super round tooling suggestions:

  • Gas Forge: price TBA
  • Misc other tooling suggestions to come

Project Update

  • Swage block Stand: put together steel list for @Zanshin to buy & build the stand

Team to discuss potential rearranging of forge area/layout goals

Meeting adjourned: 12:15pm

  • meetings/teams/forge/20220122
  • Last modified: 2 years ago
  • by wixted