Meeting opened: 10:30am
Attendees: Fraser Paterson, Jess Wessling, Zak Forester, Zac Marcus, Alex Wixted, Eris Ryan
Checking of volunteer contract roles/tasks All volunteers have completed their roles as required.
Fraser Paterson Jess Wessling Zak Forester Zac Marcus Alex Wixted
Financial Update: We have money. (currently $831.98) we are going to spend the money. (all of it. maybe.)
General Business
Updates on Ongoing Projects Zac has been busy updating all the wiki pages for equipment - If anything needs a page or updating, let him know! swage block - hopefully finish it up today, then it will be ready for paint. Jess is going to buy the ratchet straps for canvas cover, and bring in her leather sewing machine to sew the cover.
New Project: Scrap Steel storage rack Fraser has completed a 3D model for it, will aim to build it from scrap steel.
Updates on forge area equipment I have purchased new power cable to improve power hammer performance/reduce voltage drop. should make a significant difference!
Voting Items -none
Announcements for any fuel/consumables usage from forge area, please pay for usage using the forge payID:
Meeting Closed: 10:57am
- meetings/teams/forge/20220731
- Last modified: 2 years ago
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