Meeting Opened 12:18
- Zac Marcus
- Fraser Paterson
- Jess Wessling (away)
- Eris Ryan
- Tom Hallam
- Robert Van Der Kreek (did not attend)
- Alex Wixted (did not attend)
Standing Items
Updates on Volunteer Duties
- Zac - wiki kept up to date.
- Jess has been keeping up with inductions. Jess can now complete the casting inductions.
- Fraser has been keeping up LPG/consumable supplies.
- Robert
- Alex
Projects Update
- Small scrap shelving (Fraser): shelves cut and painted. falls over from tarp. have moved around to solve
- Scrap Metal Stillage (Fraser): no progress from last month
- Gas cage (Fraser): no progress from last month
- Hand Tooling (Alex): no progress from last month
- Storage Racks (Zac): storage racks have been tidied up
- Forge area signage (Zac): no progress from last month. See past meeting notes: meeting 2023-05023
- Forge area layout (Zac): moved forge and tool rack. See past meeting notes: meeting 2023-05023
- Fly Press Tooling (Eris): need to buy steel. cost approx 160
General Business
Voting Items
Agenda Items
Confirmation of Volunteer contracts
- Zac Marcus has completed their duties
- Jess Wessling has completed their duties
- Fraser Patterson has completed their duties
- Robert Van Der Kreek has not completed their duties
Meeting Closed 12:44
- meetings/teams/forge/20230716
- Last modified: 19 months ago
- by