- Ale
- Matt de Araujo
- Tom Miller
Opened: 7:00
Closed: 7:40
General Business
There is little to report this month - basically business as usual.
Sale of Items:
- There has been a forum proposal in regards to the allocation of funds from the sale of donated equipment
- The woodshop has provided $2000 from the previous sale of machines for the General funds
- There has been a vote on the forum for several days requesting feedback from the membership in regards to the allocation of funds as part of consultation with the membership
- At tonight's meeting, the woodshop has voted to process with the original proposal of 80% funds allocated to woodshop, 20% to the communal funding.
- The woodshop is open to discussion for alternative solutions to those who disagree with the proposal - particularly, if another space wants access to the funds, they can take over the sale of the machines or make a proposal for what tool they want specifically.
- The woodshop appreciates the view that we want to improve all work areas and not just the woodshop - but there must be commitment, effort and an actual proposal from members from the other teams.
- How we would like to progress - There is currently no objection to sell the tools (or no interest from members to purchase the tools). The woodshop would like to progress with sale of the tools. The items need to be moved on to free up valuable space.
- The division of funds can be further discussed at the general/comittee meeting in January, as proposed on the forum. At the end of this meeting the woodshop would like to have a firm decision on the allocation of the funds.
- The woodshop has a clear proposal for the funds - purchasing the cabinet saw. The woodshop has an aquistion and a proper deployment plan so we want to progress ASAP.
- If another team has a specific item that they need, please prepare a proposal for a specific tool that they need, with a proper acquisiton and deployment plan for the tool.
- Various machines have had their rust and surface oxidation. The machines have been waxed
- We have a new set of carbide inserts on the combination machine
- The bottom rubber tyre on the Hammer Bandsaw have been replaced
- Both rubber tyres of the Jet bandsaw have been replaced.
Forum Post
- There is now a forum location for reporting of required machine maintenance and consumable requirements
Blast Gate Project
- There have been minor updates to the blast gate updrages
Air Compressor infrastructure upgrade
- There has been a purchase of fittings to upgrade the air compressor pipes
Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be 25 January 2023
Member Report
The following members met their volunteer requirements for the month:
- Ale
- Matt de Araujo
- Tom Miller
- meetings/teams/woodshop/20221221
- Last modified: 2 years ago
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