- Ale
- Matt de Araujo
- Tom Miller
Opened: 7:00
Closed: 7:30
General Business
- There are no general business issues to discuss
- Router table has been reported as broken - this will be investigated and addressed asap
Tool Sales
- After the last general meeting a decision has been made on the allocation of funds
- The woodshop has approval to proceed with the sale of tools
- They will be posted on the HSBNE forum first, then eventually facebook marketplace and gumtree after the general membership has had a chance to purchase them
Gambling Benefit Fund Grant
- The woodshop wants to get the panel saw approved on the capex sheet
- This requires updated qoutes from SCM and woodtech and the implementation plan (acquistion, installation, induction etc)
- Another option to be explored would be an upgrade to the mezzanine
Spare workbench
- There is a spare workbench with a leg vice that is no longer being used by the woodshop and needs to be sold
- The woodshop team members through a show of hands have:
1) Unanimously agreed to sell the old workbench bench at a fair price, unless another team requests the workbench for their usage in their own space.
2) The request for the bench should be presented within a month from when the proposal has been posted on forums. 3) The sale of the bench will be posted on the forums via a proposal. 4) The proceeds for the sale will go entrirely to the general funds of HSBNE 5) The woodshop will research a fair price for the workbench based on research from new and similar second items. This will be documented on the forum proposal.
Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be 22/02/23 at 7:00 pm
Member Report
The following members met their volunteer requirements for the month:
- Ale
- Matt de Araujo
- Tom Miller
- meetings/teams/woodshop/20230125
- Last modified: 2 years ago
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