2023-02-27 Meeting Minutes
- Ale
- Matt de Araujo
- Tom Miller
Opened: 7:00
Closed: 8:00
General Business
Machine sales
- The bandsaw and dust extractor have been sold.
- We are working on a fixed ladder solution
- In the interim, we will have signage declaring that the Mezz is “under construction” and “Access is restricted to approved staff only”
- We will develop an SOP for access to the Mezzanine
- The woodshop team has voted and agreed unanimously for a $190 petty cash purchase of a ladder, which will be permanently affixed to the mezzanine.
Combination Machine
- The woodshop needs to sell the donated combination machine.
- We need to find an acceptable spot to set it up, so that it can be viewed for sale by customers. This may mean temporarily setting it up inside the container.
- Another option would be for the metal shop to allow us some space for us to temporarily setup the machine.
- Nil major maintenance to discuss.
- Nil Items
2022 Safety report
HSBNE Risk Assessment
- 7.1.3 of HSBNE risk assessment:
- User operation manuals are available on site, and on the wiki.
- Add a brochure holder to each machine. Place SOP and manual into it.
- The woodshop would like to purchase a magazine holder for this documentation
- The woodshop is to investigate electrical cable management - e.g. whether the cable needs to be within a conduit, or within cable trays.
- Work has already started to organize the cables along with the airlines
- The woodshop will ask Eris to tag and test the equipment
- The woodshop will investigate the spacing to provide a 1m egress path - The proposal is to use hazard marking tape on the floor to outline the egress path.
Woodshop Team Secretary
* At the end of his current membership billing cycle, Matt will be stepping down from his obligations with the Woodshop team (the end of March). * Airfares between Melbourne and Brisbane continue to be too expensive to allow him to return to Brisbane to use the workshop, making it unfeasible to maintain a membership. * Matt is looking forward to rejoining upon his return to Brisbane in 18 months. * With that being said - the woodshop needs a replacement third member, who is willing take meeting minutes and to provide additional assistance to the team. There will be a forum post shortly with this request.
Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be Wednesday the 15th of March at 7:00 pm. The purpose of this meeting is discuss the sale of the Axminster panel saw and the Small Workbench.
- We will prepare the formal proposal for the sale of the items on this meeting.
Member Report
The following members met their volunteer requirements for the month:
- Ale
- Matt de Araujo
- Tom Miller
- meetings/teams/woodshop/20230227
- Last modified: 23 months ago
- by merujio