2023-03-27 Meeting Minutes
- Ale
- Tom Miller
Opened: 7:00
Closed: 8:00
General Business
Machine sales
- The combination machine is to be moved back into the containers and the Axminster cabinet saw is to be brought out and prepared for sale. The team will research fair pricing for the cabinet saw and post on the HSBNE forums.
- The small work bench is to also be sold by the Woodshop and details will be posted on the HSBNE forum.
- The fixed ladder to the mezzanine has been installed by Ale
- The interlock on the drum sander has been repaired and should be in good working order.
- The security fence on the back windows has been removed to allow the windows to be opened for ventilation. This will be re installed on the back of the shed.
- The combination blade for the table saw has been damaged and taken to Brisbane Saw Services for repair.
- At the last HSBNE monthly meeting it was agreed upon to purchase the new Laguna cabinet saw. The team have negotiated another 5% discount with Carbatec to meet budgetary constraints.
- To operate the panel saw the team is currently investigating ways to provide a new 15A GPO for the new cabinet saw.
- Nil Items
2022 Safety report
HSBNE Risk Assessment
- Work is still ongoing implementing the last of the recommendations from this report.
Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be Monday the 26th of April at 7:00 pm.
Member Report
The following members met their volunteer requirements for the month:
- Ale
- Tom Miller
- meetings/teams/woodshop/20230327
- Last modified: 18 months ago
- by tlm