2023-04-26 Meeting Minutes


  • Ale Moore
  • Tom Miller

Opened: 1900
Closed: 2100

  • Woodshop team discussed the plan for the remainder of the year and what the shop/team would like to accomplish.
  • To support open day activities and general relationship building the Woodshop team would like to get some HSBNE shirts made that promote the shop.
  • The new Laguna cabinet saw has been setup with a modified fence to support the limited space constraints in the shop. We are still working with CBRE re adding a new 15A GPO above the saw to support its power requirements. Once this has been done inductions will start on a regular rotation for the saw.e
  • In the coming months a table will be built to join the two tables saws and provide a common out feed table.
  • The Woodshop will be running an open day in June. The tentative date for this is the 03/06/2023 from 1000 to 1600.
  • Currently estimate we will need around 5-6 volunteers to help out and give direction to guests and help them create something.
  • We would also like to explore the option of having a BBQ for the open day and will be seeking a volunteer to help run this.
  • In the coming months the Woodshop will be milling up some of the timber in the shop into blanks that can be placed on the CNC as part of the open day.
  • A few CNC programs will be made to allow guests to choose something they can have carved by the CNC. As well as this guests will also be able to customise the program with a computer setup running Vcarve.
  • We will be selling the blanks to raise money for the Woodshop.
  • The attendants will be allowed to use the hand tools and some of the hand power tools to customise their blanks.
  • The purpose of this day is to provide a fun time for people interested in Woodworking but may not know much about the space. Having an opportunity to see what is on offer and potentially generate more membership.
  • Members interested in helping out are asked to get in contact with either Ale or Tom.
  • Woodshop would like to start reaching out to individuals in the larger wood working community of Brisbane. The purpose of this is to help direct clients of these business/people towards HSBNE as a place they can use to practice woodworking and also offer the shop as a space to investigate the feasibility of running classes.
  • We will be having conversations with Carbatec, Bywater Design and Damian Fauser.
  • The Woodshop is currently setting up a RockPI to act as a USB device and network storage location for loading of NC programs onto the CNC that will avoid the need for carrying around a USB stick to the machine.
  • In the next month the Woodshop will finalise a booklet for the CNC that has been under development to assist to new comers to the machine on operating. This booklet will help act as a quick reference guide for users and help explain some of the fundamentals of setting up the machine.
  • The current induction process for the CNC machine is an introductory lesson then a supervised 3 cuts to become inducted. The team will investigate a more formalised assessment for the machine that aims to assert both safety of the user and the machine.
  • Nil
  • The new dust extractor controller has been running for several months with mostly hassle free results. There is an issue that has appeared once with the HSBNE network and we will continue to monitor for this situation and see if there is any further configuration that can be done.
  • The Woodshop has voted to sell the spare Workbench we have. Researching similar sales of work benches online we have voted to sell the bench for $300 to non members and $250 for members.
  • Most of the CBRE safety report has now been implemented and we will be aiming to finalise the remainder of the items soon.
  • The next meeting will be held on the 24/05/2023 at 1900.

The following members met their volunteer requirements for the month:

  • Ale Moore
  • Tom Miller
  • meetings/teams/woodshop/20230426
  • Last modified: 22 months ago
  • by tlm