This is the template for a machine. Please copy and paste this to make new machine pages.

Please pay close attention, this template provides multiple options and placeholder text. You will need to select the correct option and replace all placeholder text.

Please do not remove entire sections, they're there for a reason.

Delete this box when you are done.


Casting Furnace


Owned by Dave Seff
Maintained by Dave Seff
Trainers Alex


Machine is working as expected.

This machine requires induction to use.

  1. Read the “Casting Area Induction” below
  2. Post in the Forge channel on Discord to arrange for a time to be inducted

PLACEHOLDER: This is where you can document the usage practices for the machine generally. If this section gets very long, then it should be part of a canvas course for induction. Don't document maintenance procedures here, please do that below in the maintenance section. Delete this line.

Required We recommend hearing protection.
Required Please wear goggles or a face shield
Recommended The use of a respirator is required when melting certain metals
Required Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc. Safety caps are recommended.
Required Long pants required.
Required No Synthetic materials or clothing.
Required Gloves are required

PLACEHOLDER: Please fill out this table with all relevant machine specifications. The manufacturers website usually gives a good list. Delete this line.

Name Value
Attribute A 305mm
Attribute B 1600 mm x 270 mm
Attribute C 3.0 hp

PLACEHOLDER: Please copy the two WRAP blocks below for each file you upload relevant to this machine. This should be the manual at a minimum. Delete this line.

PLACEHOLDER: Document the manufacturer, things like contact person names, emails, phone numbers, product urls etc. Document the reseller we bought from, and any other sources for similar things. Delete this line.



  • Mr. Re seller
  • Reseller Agencies
  • E
  • M 0000 000 000

Known Identical Models

  • Links to other machines that are a rebrand or similar
Date Description Workaround Proposed Remediation
01/01/2020 PLACEHOLDER Describe the problem PLACEHOLDER Describe the workaround currently in place Placeholder Describe a proposed fix or solution
Date Modified By Description Remediation Cost
01/01/2020 PLACEHOLDER NAME PLACEHOLDER Describe what happened PLACEHOLDER Describe how it was fixed or modified PLACEHOLDER document the cost of the change
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width PLACEHOLDER Category of accessory PLACEHOLDER Accessory Name
PLACEHOLDER Description and usage notes for accessory
PLACEHOLDER Describe location of accessory PLACEHOLDER Link to where it was bought from
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width PLACEHOLDER Category of consumable PLACEHOLDER Consumable Name
PLACEHOLDER Consumable description and usage
PLACEHOLDER Description of where the consumable is stored PLACEHOLDER Link to where it can be bought
Interval Task
PLACEHOLDER Pick one: Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Biannual/Annual PLACEHOLDER Description of maintenance task and any relevant parameters

Task / Action Executive Team Leader Named Maintainer Trainers Team Membership Implementer
Modification and Repairs - AC C I I I R
Induction changes CI CI CI ACI I I R

Ref / ID Pre-Mitigation Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies Post Mitigation
Risk Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Acceptable to Proceed
01 Uncontained fire Major Likely 16 - Extreme Induction to train users in correct usage, no flammables around forge Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
02 Silicosis Major Possible 12 - High Forge is regularly maintained Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
03 Fumes and vapours Severe Possible 15 - Extreme Induction to train users in correct usage Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
04 Flashbacks Moderate Possible 9 - High Induction to train users in correct usage Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
05 Minor Explosion by improper lighting Likely Moderate 12 - High Induction to train users on how to light the forge Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
06 Explosion from leakage from gas bottle Severe Unlikely 10 - High Induction to train users on how to detect and fix gas leak Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
07 Minor Burn Insignificant Likely 4 - Medium Wear PPE, use appropriate tooling, water on hand, first aid kit Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
08 Moderate Burn Minor Possible 6 - Medium Wear PPE, water on hand, use appropriate tooling, first aid kit Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
09 Major Burn Major Unlikely 8 - High Wear PPE, use appropriate tooling, water on hand, first aid kit Unlikely Minor 4 - Low Yes
10 Flying Sparks Insignificant Likely 4 - Medium Wear PPE, water on hand, first aid kit Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
11 Industrial Noise Minor Very Likely High - 10 Wear PPE Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
12 IR radiation burns to eyes and skin Minor Likely 10 Wear PPE Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
13 Steam Explosion Severe Unlikely 10 - High Induction to train users on the correct moisture content of green sand Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes
14 Molten Metal Spill Severe Unlikely 10 - High Induction to train users on to pour correctly Unlikely Insignificant 2 - Low Yes

PLACEHOLDER: A decision register is for general documentation when some decision is made regarding the tool. To change its location, mode of operation, to buy an accessory, to replace something, to change how it operates etc. Delete this line.

Ref / ID Decision Details Impact Proposed Date Proposed By Status Approved By Date Resulting Actions and Comments
0000 Example decision Provides an example 08/08/20 JH Approved JH 08/08/20 A line was put in the register

Work in progress

  • tools/blacksmithing/castingfurnace
  • Last modified: 3 years ago
  • by zacmarcus