Stained Glass tools list

Aliases Glass Cutters, Pliers, Burnishers
Other References
Official Maintainer Kyia Bourne and Grumpthumb


Machine is working as expected.

This machine does not require induction to use.

No induction required however if you do not know how to use these tools there are month classes found here: for 'formal' lesson on how to use them but if you ask in our discord on the craft punk page many members would be willing to teach you less formally how to do this craft.

Use these tool with care and respect. Each tool is different and many different styles have been supplied to give the best affects for each person.

Recommended Please wear goggles or a face shield
Required Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc
Warning Gloves are PPE against your material (Glass particals). Please carefully evaluate your use of gloves

PLACEHOLDER: Please copy the two WRAP blocks below for each file you upload relevant to this machine. This should be the manual at a minimum. Delete this line.

Date Description Workaround Proposed Remediation
01/01/2020 PLACEHOLDER Describe the problem PLACEHOLDER Describe the workaround currently in place Placeholder Describe a proposed fix or solution
Date Modified By Description Remediation Cost
01/01/2020 PLACEHOLDER NAME PLACEHOLDER Describe what happened PLACEHOLDER Describe how it was fixed or modified PLACEHOLDER document the cost of the change
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
Cutter Dimond tip cutter
This tool does not have a wobbly head, great for flat glass but not so much textured, as with all cutters avoid gliding off the edge of the glass and smacking the tip damaging the tool. This cutter does not have a oil reservoir, dip in sewing machine oil to lubricate glass for smoother cuts
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk many online stores, mitre 10 brick and mortar
Cutter Dimond wheel cutter
This tool has a wobbly head, a heavier tool, with a metal end piece for tapping the glass after scoring helping guide breaks, as with all cutters avoid gliding off the edge of the glass and smacking the tip damaging the tool. This cutter does not have a oil reservoir, dip in sewing machine oil to lubricate glass for smoother cuts
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores
Cutter Dimond wheel cutters
These tools have a wobbly heads, a pencil grip version with a metal end piece for tapping the glass after scoring helping guide breaks, and a pistol grip version. As with all cutters avoid gliding off the edge of the glass and smacking the tip damaging the tool. These cutter both have oil reservoirs, if these are filled no need to dip in oil.
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores, Anerley glassworx
Cutter Mosaic cutters
This tool is used to cute mosaics pieces. more details on use to come
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores
Cutter Large Circle cutter
This tool is used to cut large circles, prime area to be cut with oil on the glass using a rag or cloth prior to each cut. More details to come on use.
Dirty punk Many online stores
Cutter small circle cutter
This tool is used to cut small circles, prime area to be cut with oil on the glass using a rag or cloth prior to each cut. More details to come on use.
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores, Anerley glassworx
Pliers Grozing pliers
This tool is used to hold and break glass after creating score lines, good for cuts that are curved or neas edges, often used as pair to protect hands. There is a right side up with has been marked by a smiley face or the word Top
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores, Anerley glassworx
Pliers Running pliers
This tool is used to hold and break glass after creating score lines, good for cuts that are straight. There is a right side p for it to function correctly marked by a smiley face.
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores, Anerley glassworx
Pliers Breaker pliers
This tool is used to hold and break glass after creating score lines, good for cuts that are straight but too small for the running pliers.
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores,
Cutter Lead Came cutter
This tool is to cut lengths of lead came
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores, Anerley glassworx
Burnishing tool Roller burnisher
This tool is used to ensure foil has been flattened and properly adhered to the glass before soldering
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores
Burnishing tool Lathekin
This tool is used to ensure foil has been flattened and properly adhered to the glass before soldering
Glass tools folders, Dirty punk Many online stores, Annerly glassworx
Copper foil holder Copper foil holder
This tool is used to ensure foil does not unroll during use and make it easier to dispense
Glass table, Dirty punk 3d printed
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width PLACEHOLDER Category of consumable PLACEHOLDER Consumable Name
PLACEHOLDER Consumable description and usage
PLACEHOLDER Description of where the consumable is stored PLACEHOLDER Link to where it can be bought
Interval Task
PLACEHOLDER Pick one: Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Biannual/Annual PLACEHOLDER Description of maintenance task and any relevant parameters

PLACEHOLDER A RACI is an important documentation process to let people know what ACTIONS can happen, and who needs to be Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed for each ACTION. Delete this line.

Task / Action Executive Cause Leader
Cause Team
Named Maintainer Trainers Cause Membership Implementer
Modification and Repairs - AC C I I I R
Induction changes C RACI RC I I I R

PLACEHOLDER: Risk assessment is important to ensure we are making tools available to members in a responsible fashion. Please make every effort to do a reasonable risk assessment. If there is a safety incident with the tool, please redo a risk assessment and add it to the table.

Ref / ID Pre-Mitigation Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies Post Mitigation
Risk Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Acceptable to Proceed
0001 PLACEHOLDER DEATH Intolerable Probable 11 PLACEHOLDER Induction to train users in correct usage Low Improbable 1

PLACEHOLDER: A decision register is for general documentation when some decision is made regarding the tool. To change its location, mode of operation, to buy an accessory, to replace something, to change how it operates etc. Delete this line.

Ref / ID Decision Details Impact Proposed Date Proposed By Status Approved By Date Resulting Actions and Comments
0000 Example decision Provides an example 08/08/20 JH Approved JH 08/08/20 A line was put in the register
  • tools/craftpunk/hand_tools_for_stained_glass
  • Last modified: 16 months ago
  • by kyia