Creality CR-X (Right)

Aliases Left Right CR-X”
Octoprint Link http://rightcrx.digifab/ Username and password are both “hsbne”
Other References
Official Maintainer Digifab Tab


This machine is working as expected.

NOTE: This printer was previously the left CR-X, and has been moved into the position of the right CR-X; The old right CR-X has been decommissioned.

This tool uses Octoprint at http://rightcrx.digifab/. Username and password are both “hsbne”.

The induction for this machine consists of reading each of the following (in full!):

Once you have fully read and understood each of the pages above, you can use this machine.

The link to this particular machine's Raspberry Pi hosted Octo Print is http://rightcrx.digifab/.

Maximum Print Area

Name Value
Length 300mm (250 recommended)
Width 300mm (250 recommended)
Height 400mm (300 recommended)

Maximum Print Temperatures

Name Value
Extruder 240 Degrees Celcius (Above this will damage the hotend and cause the teflon to release toxic fumes)
Print Bed 100 Degrees Celcius (the print bed will not work well at temperatures in excess of this)



  • None currently
Date Modified By Description Remediation Cost
01/01/2020 PLACEHOLDER NAME PLACEHOLDER Describe what happened PLACEHOLDER Describe how it was fixed or modified PLACEHOLDER document the cost of the change
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Filament PETG and PLA Filament 1.75mm This consumable is stored on each printer with spares under the bench near the main door.
Interval Task
Before every use Check print bed is free from dust and other debris, and ensure the entire bench is 100% free from debris and tools.
As needed Tighten the stepper belts.
As needed Calibrate bed level / height.
PLACEHOLDER Pick one: Daily/Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Biannual/Annual PLACEHOLDER Description of maintenance task and any relevant parameters

Ref / ID Pre-Mitigation Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies Post Mitigation
Risk Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Acceptable to Proceed
0001 Burns Undesirable Possible 8 Induction to train users in correct usage and use appropriate tools when touching any hot part of the machine. Acceptable Improbable 1 yes
0002 Cuts / lacerations to skin Undesirable Possible 8 Require users to wear gloves when cleaning up prints with any sharp tool. Acceptable Improbable 1 yes
Ref / ID Decision Details Impact Proposed Date Proposed By Status Approved By Date Resulting Actions and Comments
0001 Finish wiki and put machine into service Members can use the machine. 30/12/20 Jaimyn Mayer Approved Jaimyn Mayer 30/12/20 -
  • tools/digitalfabrication/3dprinters/rightcrx
  • Last modified: 18 months ago
  • by bwilkins