This is an old revision of the document!

Electronics Cause

Location: The Electronics bench, taking up the right hand wall of the Green room, opposite where the TV is mounted.
Cause Leader: Brendan (nog3) Halliday
Objective: To provide an accessible electronics work-space that allows advanced electronic design to be conducted at HSBNE.
Members: See Current List
Communications: Forums and #electronics in Discord Chat.
Operating Policy: Policy

  • Please leave the area as clean or cleaner than you found it.
  • Please make sure to put money in the donation tin for consumables.
  • Please don’t leave things running on the power supplies unattended.
  • Please don’t leave irons or other tools on when you’re not immediately using them.
  • Please return tools to their homes.

Spot Welder -

  • Induction process is to demonstrate safe use of the tool and then get them to try it also.

Reflow Oven -

  • Induction process is to run through approved uses for the oven and how to achieve them and demonstrate use of front panel and default oven profiles.
  • Maintainer is Lucas Oldfield (BadBiki)

Currently none of our tools require supervision.

Tools are generally maintained by the cause leader, so check in with them before embarking on fixing a tool.

No tools require supervision currently.

Monthly Consumables Discretionary - $100. This is for reimbursing purchases of things required from the Electronics Cause Consumables list.

  • Rebuild the electronics bench along the wall.
  • Hang electronics components drawers under the bench.
  • Build a shelf to hold all the obvious tools and consumables up off the bench so it can be swept easily
  • Replicate our current setup in to at least 2 bays worth of equipment that are the same or functionally similar
  • Make the bays swipe-to-turn-on with a clear time indicator and a 'add time' button.
  • Acquire transistor sets
  • Acquire more iso pumps
  • Finish restock of capacitors
  • Purchase headers and trimmer pots
  • Purchase hand tools to be chained to workbench.
  • Begin sorting boneyard IC’s
  • Figure out how to store these IC’s
  • Setting up SMD components
  • To be held every (or every second) Saturday from midday till 1:30pm
  • How to read schematics and construct circuits
  • Making a radio
  • Basic electronic measurement and component characteristics
  • Soldering class
  • Oscilloscope measurement and basic AC circuits
  • Basic circuit analysis and component calculation
  • The transistor and you
  • Introduction to opamps
  • Introduction to 555 timer
  • Introduction to logic gates
  • Introduction to microcontrollers
  • The arduino, reading sensors
  • Remote reading and switching
  • Basic circuit troubleshooting
  • Electronic circuit strategy (building blocks of circuit design)
  • Making a PCB
  • Designing a PCB

There are pictures of the bench in a clean state, please return them to it. Label where stuff should go and put it there if it isn't. Ensure that members who use the electronics workbench do the same.

  • causes/electronics.1586839547
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by nogthree