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Automotive Cause

Location: No area is currently assigned to the cause as we have special requirements such as drainage for floor cleaning, access to bring vehicles in and out, and requirements related to equipment we plan to acquire in future like a concrete floor meeting the minimum thickness to mount a hoist, 3 phase power, compressed air lines etc..
Cause Leader:Scott (Siridar) Wilson
Objective: to support members in providing tools and space for the maintenance and modification of their vehicles, as well as classes to introduce members to the basics of car maintenance. .
Members: See Current List
Communications: Forums and #automotive in Discord Chat.
Operating Policy: Policy

  • Please leave the area as clean or cleaner than you found it.
  • Please make sure to put money in the donation tin for consumables.
  • Please return tools to their homes.

Monthly Consumables Discretionary - $100. This is a discretionary budget for the Cause Leader

  • causes/automotive.1586839436
  • Last modified: 5 years ago
  • by nogthree