LINISHALL 1220/50 Belt Grinder – Pedestal Mounted

Aliases 1220 Linisher
Other References
Official Maintainer Ben Jackson


Machine is working as expected.

This machine requires induction to use.

Book an induction on Eventbrite.

Required Always wear AS/NZS 1337.1 compliant safety glasses while operating this machine.
Required Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc
Required Restrain hair while operating machine
Prohibited Loose clothing and jewellery not to be worn while operating this machine.
Recommended We recommend hearing protection.
Recommended We recommend the use of a respirator
Warning Entanglement hazard present while wearing gloves.
Maintenance Disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance, including wheel changes
Name Value
Motor Power 1.1KW
Belt size 1220mm x 50mm



Known Identical Models

Date Description Workaround Proposed Remediation
Date Modified By Description Remediation Cost
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
Linishing Belt 1220mm x 50mm Linishing Belt Various Resellers. EG
Interval Task
6 Months Inspect machine for major wear or damage.

Task / Action Executive Cause Leader
Cause Team
Named Maintainer Trainers Cause Membership Implementer
Modification and Repairs - AC C I I I R
Induction changes C RACI RC I I I R
6 Month Maintenance - RCI RAC - I - R
Replace Belt - - - - - - RA

Ref / ID Pre-Mitigation Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies Post Mitigation
Risk Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Acceptable to Proceed
0001 Death Severe Possible 15 Induction to train users in correct usage. 0001 Death Severe Possible
0002 Electric Shock Major Unlikely 8 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Ensure power cables are properly connected and off the floor.
Cables are tested and tagged and inspected for damage.
0002 Electric Shock Major Unlikely
0003 Noise Moderate Likely 12 Train users to wear hearing protection. 0003 Noise Moderate Likely
0004 Tripping Hazard Moderate Possible 9 Train users to maintain a clean working area.
Keep all cables off the ground and secured out of the way.
0004 Tripping Hazard Moderate Possible
0005 Insufficient Lighting Minor Possible 6 Turn on shop lights.
Open metal-shop doors for natural lighting.
0005 Insufficient Lighting Minor Possible
0006 Entanglement Major Possible 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Remove any possible entanglement items such as long sleeves, gloves, watches, jewellery, etc.
Tie back long hair.
0006 Entanglement Major Possible
0007 Impact Injury Major Possible 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Train users in correct use of the chuck/fixture plate as per the induction.
Train users in chuck key discipline (never leave the chuck key in while performing another task).
Train users to remove the chuck key before engaging the spindle motor.
Train users in appropriate use of tailstock support.
Require use of appropriate PPE.
0007 Impact Injury Major Possible
0008 Laceration/Dismemberment Major Possible 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Train users to keep clear of the cutting tool and the part.
Require that the cutting tool is securely fixed (in the quick change tool-post or tail-stock).
Require use of appropriate PPE.
0008 Laceration/Dismemberment Major Possible
0009 Burn from workpiece Moderate Possible 9 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Allow parts to cool after cutting.
Train users to ensure adequate coolant is used.
Require assessing workpiece temperature before handling.
0009 Burn from workpiece Moderate Possible
0010 Dust Inhalation - Low-hazard materials Moderate Likely 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Require use of appropriate PPE.
0010 Dust Inhalation - Low-hazard materials Moderate Likely
0011 Dust Inhalation - Hazardous materials Major Likely 16 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Restrict allowed grinding materals.
0011 Dust Inhalation - Hazardous materials Major Likely
Ref / ID Decision Details Impact Proposed Date Proposed By Status Approved By Date Resulting Actions and Comments
  • tools/metalshop/linishall_1220/50
  • Last modified: 21 months ago
  • by capella_ben