Mill, CNC - Toptech M4 Siemens-802C

Aliases “Hildi”, “Metalshop CNC”
Other References
Official Maintainer Dave Seff

Out of Order

Machine is non functional.

Due to the ease by which this tool can be damaged it requires supervision to use. Contact the metalshop team via discord and arrange.

The following document provides guidance on how to create a toolpath in Fusion 360 and use it on HILDI.

Please note these general guidelines:

  • There is a one shot oiler in the cabinet under the control box. Use the plunger occasionally.
  • Tooling:
    • ALWAYS assume the tool offsets are wrong unless you have just set them.
    • Tool changes need to be done manually.
    • The probe is always tool 1.
  • When you turn off main power the spindle may slowly drop if the stepper motor does not have enough holding power. This is OK.
  • If you use the small mill vice there can be interference (collision) issues with the front door. It is best to mount the vice on the right hand half of the table.

Required Always wear AS/NZS 1337.1 compliant safety glasses while operating this machine.
Required Enclosed shoes are required, no open sandals, thongs etc
Required Restrain hair while operating machine
Prohibited Loose clothing and jewellery not to be worn while operating this machine.
Recommended We recommend hearing protection.
Warning Entanglement hazard present while wearing gloves.
Maintenance Disconnect power to the machine before performing maintenance, including wheel changes
Milling Capacity Cutter Head Ø80
Milling Capacity End Mill Cutter Ø32
Milling Accuracy
Repeating Accuracy ±0.01mm
Positioning Accuracy ±0.025/300mm
Spindle Taper NT40
Spindle Speed 115-3000rpm
Distance spindle-column 275mm
Drill-Mill Head
Z-axis travel 530mm
Z Feed Rate 1500mm/min
Cross Table
Table (LxW) 850x240mm
Y-axis Travel 240mm
Y Feed Rate 2000mm/min
X-axis Travel 500mm
X Feed Rate 2000mm/min
T-Slot Size 18mm/80mm/3
Distance Spindle-Cross Table (Max) 530mm
Electric Supply
Motor 2.2kW DC
Coolant Pump 40W
Dimensions and Weight
Overall Dimension (LxWxH) 1900x1185x2126
Weight 800kg

Physical manuals are located on the easternmost library top shelf.


  • Foreign Sales Manager: Manager Feng

Phone: +86-0514-82085021

Mobile: +86-17761805030


Fax: +86-0514-85860395

QQ : 715856973 Skype : davidfeng0430


Not applicable machine was donated.

Known Identical Models

Different size but identical construction:

Date Description Workaround Proposed Remediation
10/04/2023 Oiler needs to be operated manually Manual operation on a regular basis Integrate with Linux CNC
Date Modified By Description Remediation Cost
01/08/2020 Eris Ryan Coolant pump not working. Replaced coolant line, added air blower system. Turned pump back on $70.16
1/08/2020 Eris Ryan No arbour for facemill. Bought one from Hare+Forbes, added own teeth x 7 $93.50
5/10/2020 Eris Ryan Existing clamping will not fit table Buy 12mm sheet steel, drill thread M12 holes to fit existing clamp kit (approved by vote 15/09/20) $250.44
20/10/2021 Dave Seff Replace CNC Controller
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder Arbour Rest Bolted to wall next to CNC Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder Arbor #1 suit metric inserts Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder Arbor #2 suit metric inserts Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder Arbor #3 suit metric inserts Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder Arbor #4 suit metric inserts Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder Arbor #5 suit drill bits Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder Arbor #6 suit 50mm facemill Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder large machine vice Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool Holder medium cream vice Right CNC Cupboard Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
PLACEHOLDER Image, 100 width Tool 50mm Facemill attached to Arbor #6 Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
Tool Holder ER25 collet chuck set x 14 Right CNC Cupboard in wooden box Hare&Forbes Machinery House Rocklea.
Image Category Accessory Name & Notes Location Buy from
way_oil_s-l1600.jpg Lubricant Machine Self Oiling Lubricant Refil tank is up the back of right CNC cupboard. Store bottle RHS CNC cupboard.
62306-holemaker-500ml-soluble-metal-working-fluid-hero-spfluid.jpg Coolant/Lubricant Water soluble cutting fluid for refilling coolant tank Left CNC cupboard - note large empty bottle is for diluting fluid with water (don't use the Hare&Forbes coolant as it coagulates over time)
carbide_facemill_inserts.jpg Tooling APMT 103504PDER-H Carbide Inserts - Milling grade ACZ330 10mm Manual Milling/Lathe accessory trolley, vending machine.
spiral_flute_tap_s-l1600.jpg Tooling HSTM12x1.75SFBLU Cobalt M12 Spiral Flute Tap Right CNC Cupboard
Interval Task
Before each use Lubricate all slideways (check automatic oiler tank has oil and slides appear lubricated)
Before each use Lubricate all dove tail slots (check automatic oiler tank has oil and parts appear lubricated)
Weekly on Tuesday Lubricate all unpainted steel parts (slide table) WD40 or oily rag is OK.
As Required readjust x&y axis at Taper gips loosen clockwise adjusting screw of taper grip at x&y axis, check gips for smooth movement along guide direction.
As Required readjust z axis at Taper gips loosen clockwise adjusting screw of taper grip at z axis, check gips for smooth movement along guide direction.
Every 6 Months Open the rear cover of the headstock and lubricate the gears and clutch etc. (check if the auto lubrication system is working)

Task / Action Executive Cause Leader
Cause Team
Named Maintainer Trainers Cause Membership Implementer
Modification and Repairs - AC C I I I R
Induction changes C RACI RC I I I R

Ref / ID Pre-Mitigation Mitigations / Warnings / Remedies Post Mitigation
Risk Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Risk Severity Risk Likelyhood Risk Level Acceptable to Proceed
0001 Death Severe Possible 15 Induction to train users in correct usage. Severe Very Unlikely 5 Yes
0002 Electric Shock Major Unlikely 8 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Ensure power cables are properly connected and off the floor.
Cables are tested and tagged and inspected for damage.
Minor Very Unlikely 2 Yes
0003 Noise Moderate Likely 12 Train users to wear hearing protection. Insignificant Unlikely 2 Yes
0004 Tripping Hazard Moderate Possible 9 Train users to maintain a clean working area.
Keep all cables off the ground and secured out of the way.
Insignificant Unlikely 2 Yes
0005 Insufficient Lighting Minor Possible 6 Turn on shop lights.
Open metal-shop doors for natural lighting.
Insignificant Unlikely 2 Yes
0006 Entanglement Major Possible 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Remove any possible entanglement items such as long sleeves, gloves, watches, jewellery, etc.
Tie back long hair.
Minor Unlikely 4 Yes
0007 Impact Injury Major Possible 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Train users in correct use of the chuck/fixture plate as per the induction.
Train users in chuck key discipline (never leave the chuck key in while performing another task).
Train users to remove the chuck key before engaging the spindle motor.
Train users in appropriate use of tailstock support.
Require use of appropriate PPE.
Minor Unlikely 4 Yes
0008 Slip Major Possible 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Train users in correct use of coolant to avoid spilling on the floor.
Minor Unlikely 4 Yes
0009 Respiratory/Skin Irritation Moderate Unlikely 6 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Train users in the risks related to metalworking fluids.
Minor Unlikely 4 Yes
0010 Inhaliation of Fumes Moderate Possible 9 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Open metal-shop door to allow ventilation.
Fans are provided top assist in ventilation.
Train users to use the appropriate type and volume of coolant.
Require use of appropriate PPE.
Minor Unlikely 4 Yes
0011 Laceration/Dismemberment Major Possible 12 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Train users to keep clear of the cutting tool and the part.
Require that the cutting tool is securely fixed (in the quick change tool-post or tail-stock).
Require use of appropriate PPE.
Minor Unlikely 4 Yes
0012 Burn from workpiece Moderate Possible 9 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Allow parts to cool after cutting.
Train users to ensure adequate coolant is used.
Require assessing workpiece temperature before handling.
Insignificant Unlikely 2 Yes
0013 Crushing Severe Unlikely 10 Induction to train users in correct usage.
Require users to keep clear of moving parts.
Minor Unlikely 4 Yes
Ref / ID Decision Details Impact Proposed Date Proposed By Status Approved By Date Resulting Actions and Comments
0000 Buy accessories for mill, airline, repairs, addition of M12 table sized tool/mounting plate Allows easy clamping, steel milling, aluminium and plastic milling 02/09/2020 ER Approved VOTE 15/09/2020 A line was put in the register - Eris to purchase/build

Setting the Tool Table Offsets

The first thing you must do is home the machine before setting tool table offsets.

Begin by picking a spot to touch off to that all tools can reach. On the mill you might use the top of the fixed part of your vise. In any case what the objective is to set each tools Z offset to some common point so each tool when loaded with Tn M6 G43 the Z end of the tools will all be the same height.

Using the procedure found in the Mill Tool Touchoff section of this tutorial we will set the offsets for the tool table first.

Setting the Tool Table Offsets
  1. Go to the DRO tab and verify that there are no offsets in place for G92
  2. Load the tool
  3. Manual tool change put the tool in the spindle and do a Tn M6 G43 where n is the tool number in the MDI window.
  4. Tool changer just do a Tn M6 G43 in the MDI tab to load the tool.
  5. Verify that Machine > Touch off to fixture is selected.
  6. Jog the tool to the fixture point and using the dowel method position the Z end of the tool.
  7. Verify that the Z axis radio button is the selected axis in the Manual Control Tab
  8. Press the Tool Touch Off button.
  9. Leave the number at 0.0 and press OK
  • tools/metalshop/cnc_mill
  • Last modified: 20 months ago
  • by capella_ben