Craftpunk Area

  • Only use tools you know how to use or have been inducted on.
  • Ask for help or guidance when you need it.
  • Only use tools in the way they are intended to be used.
  • Leave the area as clean or cleaner than you found it.
  • Because art and creativity is subjective and personal, please do not provide unsolicited critique, suggestions or help with someone’s project. Instead, you may wish to offer your help, but allow the crafter to decline.
  • Respect that some crafters may not want to break their focus to talk or answer questions. The exception to this rule is in the case of dangerous or disrespectful tool use and emergencies.
  • Please make sure to put money in the donation tin (see below) for consumables that you appreciated using so that we can replenish them.

Detailed policy information can be found on the Craftpunk Team wiki page.

Information on inductions can be found by following the link to the relevant tool.

  • campus/craftpunk
  • Last modified: 4 years ago
  • by ryan_kirkpatrick